
A Virulent Anti-Military Justice?: GWP
A Stealth Mission for Elena Kagan: Times
John McCain: America's Toughest Border Warrior?: RWN
New York State Opens Door to Vote Fraud: AT
One of Obama's closest friends part of federal probe : Sun-Times
Card Check By Obama Administration Fiat: RWNThe Failure of the Unfree Market--The 72-Year Rule: AT (Hoven)
Short sellers in Congress: more financial hypocrisy: PJM
U.S. Market-fraud Enters New Era: Benzinga
Labor Secretary Gives Former Staff Huge Raises: Foundry
The Welfare State's Death Spiral: Samuelson
Climate & Energy
Surprise: EPA's New Repair Rules Do Little: PJMAtmospheric scientist pimp-slaps 255 warmists: Depot
Most Ethical Administration Evah Waives Ethics Rules…Again!: RWNChrist: an 'Undocumented Migrant'?: FP
Americans look for Supreme Court to restrain federal power, not expand it: WaPo (Sessions)
Because We Have Faces: Evangel
Bill Maher Digs Himself Deeper: RWN
RINO thrives in the boot heel: BMW
Mehsud Declares: 'From Now On, the Main Targets of Our Fidaeen [Suicide Bombers] Are American Cities': MEMRIThe New Middle East Peril: AT (Lewis)
Cuban Bloggers Document Castro's Atrocities: GWP
Greek Debt and Backward Induction: John Hussman
Greece: A Preview of Things to Come: AT
The Nuance of the Nazis: BoTB
Whoever Built the “Toy Story 3” Web Site in Flash, Please Report to HR Immediately: AllThingsDWhy you should still quit Facebook: Insider
American Academy of Pediatrics: your dhimmitude is showing: AT
Did Cowell Discover an 80-Year Old 'Susan Boyle'?: TABA Perfect Pair: Moonbattery
Frank Frazetta: 1928-2010: CBullitt
Image: Maktoob Business.
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Chuck DeVore for U.S. Senate
QOTD: "Looking at the current state of the world economy, the underlying reality remains little changed: there is more debt outstanding than is capable of being properly serviced. It's certainly possible to issue government debt in order to bail out one borrower or another (and prevent their bondholders from taking a loss). However, this means that for every dollar of bad debt that should have been wiped off the books, the world economy is left with two - the initial dollar of debt that has been bailed out and must continue to be serviced, and an additional dollar of government debt that was issued to execute the bailout. " -- John Hussman
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