
The jihadists’ deadly path to citizenship: Malkin
'Once again an attempted attack has been... failed': Pundette
Christie to NJ Supreme Court Justice: You're Fired: RWN
Civility: Obama using the word 'teabaggers' now: Hot Air
Schumer Gets a Challenger: RWN
Fixing What Aint Broke, Hiding What Is: ATAlarm Sounds on Administration Plan to Seize 401(k)s: HE
Punish GM's False Advertising: Malkin
California = the Venezuela of North America!: Kesler
Teachers’ Unions Exposed in The Cartel: PJM
'Truther' Pelosi Says Bush Knew Market Would Crash, Kept It Secret: FoxNation
Climate & Energy
Oops: CO2 unrelated to warming - Scientist: TelegraphGermany wants 1 million coal-powered cars by 2010: BlogProf
GOP Needs to Radically Change Tactics with Minorities: HawkinsLiberals are from Mars, Conservatives are from Earth: AT
Interview with Dennis Miller: Newsmax
How Obama enables Iran's defiance: BayefskyPeace (Not) in Our Time: AT
Are you feeling lucky?: Dewey
German Bank Exposure To Greece Is Nothing When Compared To Spain And Italy: Insider
Merkel’s Coalition Calls for EU ‘Orderly’ Defaults: Mish
Merkel urges German lawmakers to pass Greek aid package to secure 'future of Europe' : AP
Hypersonic Cruise Missile: America's New Global Strike Weapon: PopMechConfirmed: ObamaCare Will Kill Medical Technology: RWN
Every Twitterer Can Be a Pundit Now: TNW
Electron Boy to the rescue: Hot AirScience for Dummies: MOTUS
Someday, Things Will Change: C&S
Image: Conservatoons
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: The Virtuous Republic.
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