
SCOTUS fight: boxing Elena: Malkin
AYFKM? A medal for 'courageous restraint'?: WashExam
Obama's La Raza Ties: RWN
Border Security is President's Job, Like It Or Not: PJM
White House Stopped Monitoring Shahzad?: Strata
Frank tiptoed through the tulips while GSEs kerploded: VSThe fruits of socialism: ELL
In bed with Fannie and Freddie: Times
Europe prepares nuclear response to save EMU: Telegraph
Latest bill for U.S. to save EU: $57B: ZH
But You Love Bailing Out Greece, Right?: Denninger
Climate & Energy
Cap-and-Trade Is Back: ATDeepwater Horizon: a Firsthand Account: RigZone
War, Pestilence, Famine: Climate and the Cold: PJM
Why Do They Hate Elena Kagan?: LegalInsObama: Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength: Ace
Are Honor Killings Domestic Terrorism?: Chesler
Tea Parties and Racism: AT
Tennesse's Underwater and No One Gives a Dang? (Video): Hot Air
Media Matters' Hysterical and Hypocritical Outrage: Con4Palin
What a Difference a Week Makes: RWN
Chuck DeVore Is So Not The Jerkinator!: Riehl
Nothing Says ‘Happy Mother’s Day!’ Like a Donation to Planned Parenthood: BlogProf
Faisal Shahzad, Subprime Terrorist?: SteynA Lexicon has been... failed: CFB
The Smoking Gun Document That Could Terminate George Papandreou's Career: ZH
A Misguided Approach to Peacemaking: AT
Melanie Phillips: US not learning from mistakes of UK on Islamic radicalization: Jawa
El-Erian: Europe Is Now In Totally Uncharted Waters: Insider
Key Wireless and Mobile Themes from Interop 2010: NetWorldHay for Oil Spill is No Plan: Sensing
Report: Apple developing a Flash alternative: CNet
Betty White - SNL Digital Short: Mediaite (Language)Offend a Feminist: Love, Honor and Obey: Camp of the Saints (NSFW)
Work in Progress: iOTW
Image: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2010)
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: And so it goes in Shreveport
QOTD: Obama's new spending will result in a 14.5 percent increase in the number of federal employees in just two years. And he has looked after union interests with particular zeal, whether at General Motors and Chrysler, or by funneling one-third of stimulus spending to state and local governments, or by repealing the rule that required unions to disclose their spending.
And in a corrupt feedback loop that may not be so very different after all from the Greek practice, public employee unions give generously to Democratic candidates, both in cash contributions and by manning phone banks, getting out the vote, and so on.
It's no coincidence that the states with the most powerful public sector unions -- New Jersey, California, and New York -- are facing the most severe budget crises. -- Mona Charen
Thanks for the link! :)
Thanks for the linky love.
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