
America's Lenin? Joel Rogers and the Obama Movement: NewZeal
Whoopi: Without Abortion Parents Just Kill Kids Later: RWN
White House pulled Times Square bomber from terror list: GWP
Kids punished for wearing U.S. flags on Cinco de Mayo: Zombie
NAACP Opposes Bill Outlawing Racially Motivated Abortions: BlogProf
Big Corporations: We're Giving Up Health Coverage: GWPWarning: Card Check Isn't Dead: WashExam
Jim Cramer saves the market: Insider
Sen. DeMint: 'US Taxpayers funding Greek bailout!': ZH
Waxman’s Unintended and Intended Consequences: RedState
Harry Reid carrying Wall Street's love child: WashExam
Climate & Energy
American Fossil Fuels: The New Alternative Energy Source: ATFarmers Find Hayseed (Really) Solution to Oil Spill: Langbert
Chevron Request for ‘CRUDE’ Footage Approved: BMW
The Fundamental(ist) Imbalance: AnchoressThe Sacrifice and the Reckoning: Sleepwalking: AmDigest
The Appalling Media Double Standard on Reporting Political Violence: PJM
Courage: Comedy Central developing Jesus Christ cartoon: IBA
Iron Man 2: Love Letter to Ronald Reagan?: PJM
Liberal Argument Playbook: RWN
Huge National Debts Could Push Euro Zone into Bankruptcy: Der SpiegelArizona Reconsidered: Halls of Macademia
Congressman Cao Shoots Down Vietnamese Government: Kesler
Report: White House working months on a plan to force Israel to give up its nukes: GWP
Conservatives Winning British Elections Over Labour and Lib Democrats: GWP
Russia killed Kaczynski with electromagnetic weapons – Romanian Global News: Pirweli
Free Software and Tech Progress: ATMicrosoft to fix holes in Windows, Office: CNet
I'm Dying: The Old JarheadThe Young Bureaucrats Behind the Nazi Terror: Der Spiegel
Rest Easy, America: the TSA is On the Job: Powers
Image: Spiegel.
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Doug TenNapel.
QOTD: "We are, right here and right now, in America, on the edge of what is happening in Greece. I know you're not being told this on ToutTV, but it is nonetheless true. Look around you; Illinois cannot even buy ammunition from some vendors for their State Police because they haven't paid their suppliers, who are now in turn refusing orders." -- Karl Denninger
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