Constitutional Crisis

Obama's 'abuse of power' threatens to shut down Senate: Events
Cordray’s power stymied by 2010 law that created his new agency: DC
Meese: Obama’s Appointments ‘Constitutional Abuse of a High Order’: BG
Obama: The Mask Is Off: AT
Constitutional Scholar: Obama Ignoring Article 1, Section 5: CNS
The Living Constitution of the Left: AT
Obama Plans to Circumvent Congress With New Immigration Law: Blaze
Obama’s Appointees Weren’t Even on List of Nominees: LoneCon
One Politician of Principle: DossierAllen West rips McConnell, McCain over payroll debacle: Scoop
Obama Embraces Signing Statements After Ripping Bush For Them: Beast
Can the Individual Mandate Be Severed?: Cato
Like a Bad Dream: Cold Fury
Obama expands “hardship” waiver for illegal immigrants: Times
Obama’s super-czar is on the loose: Malkin
Report: Government Vastly Overstating Immigration Enforcement: NRO
White House proposes pay increase for federal employees: WaPo
$730M fed loan to Russian firm pulled after GOP challenge: MalkinWhat dropping unemployment really means for Obama’s reelection: Peth
Bill Ayers Apostle Appointed White House Education Initiative Director: BG
Doctors Across U.S. Going Broke Due To New Regulations, Obamacare: Dollard
Labor unions primary recipients of Obamacare waivers: DC
Obama intends to kill seniors' pension plans -- literally: Denninger
Gunrunner & Energygate
Reuters reports on ATF 'Gunwalker' reassignments day after GRE, SSI: CodreaFast and Furious: Who's really the racist?: Blue Ridge Now
Perjurers' Row. Gunwalkers of a feather flock together.: SSI
Three years later, David Frum’s crappy website finally closes down: Five Feet of Fury“Impeach Obama” Banner May Fly Over Super Bowl: Dossier
Hilarious! McCain mistakenly refers to Romney as Obama: Scoop
The unhinged Left on parade: Pundette
Obama’s plan to steal the election of 2012: Aces
Santorum vs. the meat grinder: Bozell
Is Romney Really More Electable?: Commentary
Obama’s Judicial Nominees Deemed “Unqualified” by Left-Wing ABA: JW
Michelle Obama 'raged against Rahm Emmanuel and White House advisors': Telegraph
Face-off in the Gulf as U.S., Israel and Iran launch war games in show of force: Daily MailMichelle Obama’s warning to gun owners: DC
Media censorship of gang-raping of children now endemic in Britain: Creeping
Stuxnet cyberweapon looks to be one on a production line, researchers say: CSMOccupy iPhone? 1% of Smartphone Users Use Half of Bandwidth and the Gap is Growing: VS
Microsoft Patents ‘Avoid Ghetto’ Feature For GPS Devices: CBS Seattle
IE Market Share Drops, Sub-50% Share Predicted by March: DailyTech
Symantec confirms hacker theft of Norton anti-virus source code: ZDNet
Anonymous Spoofs Stratfor Head George Friedman, Sends Blast Email To All Clients: ZH
Here Are 25 Of The Most Amazing U.S. Military Photos From The Past Year: BlazeSweden Recognizes File-sharing as Official Religion: Tom's Guide
Fragrant Fouls – Something Stinks: Spew
Image: Sipsey Street Irregulars
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Rick Santorum for President
QOTD: "The history of the United States and its traditions of liberty and individual freedom should be a bulwark against the successful emergence of people like Obama and his cronies. Yet why are the media, or the opposition party, or the members of Congress or the judiciary not shouting from the highest hilltop and taking action to stop these power-grabs? Has this country enjoyed peace and prosperity so long that everyone is jaded and preoccupied with him- or herself, or in a self-induced stupor either ignoring what's happening or saying that these unconstitutional steps are minor? Is it because Obama happens to have black skin and everyone is too intimidated by political correctness to speak? Or is it as it was in Germany, Italy, and Russia among many -- a belief that the worst could never happen here?
...To the American people, it is far beyond time to wake up to who this man in the White House is and what his ambitions are. As for the Republicans in the Congress or running for office, the task is upon your shoulders to stop Barack Obama in his tracks before he goes any farther. It is time to do your sworn duty to preserve and protect the country. And for the Democrats who are so blinded by party loyalty that they would sell their country for the proverbial thirty pieces of silver, the long-term difficulties and potential downfall of the greatest nation on earth will be your legacy." --Steve McCann
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