Pat Dollard alerts us to next week's cover of Newsweek:
I would feel offended, but then I remembered that: (a) last August, Newsweek was sold for the nice round sum of one (1) dollar; and (b) the author of the piece is none other than Andrew "Glutes of Steel" Sullivan, who must have pulled a few of his in-house dicks off the Trig Palin investigation to write this masterpiece.
Hat tip: BadBlue.
People still pay for birdcage liners?
By "dumb", does Sullivan mean "silent", like the MSM is on Obama criticism?
The same magazine that named the Occuppoders as person of the year?
Someone paid $1 for Newsweek, man did they overpay.
Maybe we're dumb, maybe not. We'll see in November.
Well, which is it? Are we all socialists, or are we all dumb? Maybe it's both in Newsweek's eyes.
shouldn't there be a warning sign or something about not feeding the narcissist?
The People's Cube seems to have the answer.
Obama's critics are so dumb that they think ATM's kill jobs. No, wait. That was Obama.
Obama's critics are so dumb that they think more EPA regulations will create jobs. No, wait. That was Obama.
Obama's critics are so dumb that they think the internet kills jobs. No, wait. That was Obama.
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