1. City of Detroit: You'll get chills putting through an exact replicate of a burned out house in the abandoned city center, the by-product of decades of unchecked Democrat rule!

2. Escape from New York: Watch out for the water hazard! It's an exact replica of New York City, flooded by the rising sea waters of global warming in just two short years -- as was presciently predicted by Al Gore in 1994.

3. Get a Charge: Experience the world's first on-course fire hazard, courtesy of a real Chevy Volt and its exploding battery pack!

4. Almost Heaven: Muster all of your skills to navigate through the West Virginia ghost town laid barren by the EPA's destruction of the coal industry

5. Grove Parc: Gaze in wonder at this scale-model replica of the immense, federally-subsidized apartment complex -- which only cost the taxpayers millions of dollars -- run into the ground by Valerie Jarrett and other Obama

6. To the Shores of Tripoli: You'll marvel at the desert-like sand traps and left-over carnage of the

7. Green-collar Jobs: Putt on an actual solar panel made by Solyndra, before it went belly-up and took $500 million of the taxpayers' money with it.

8. It's Automatic: One of the most difficult holes in America, you'll have to gently putt past real, loaded AK-47s from Operation Fast and Furious without touching off an accidental trigger pull!

9. Breath of Fresh Air: And what miniature golf course would be complete without an actual working windmill, in this case powering one of the light bulbs in the concession area (weather permitting)?
ah hahahahahh!!!!
+2 for awesomeness
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