
Illegal Voters in FL May Make the Difference: S&L
Too busy for WI recall, not too busy for 160 fundraising events: Twitchy
His Nose Keeps Getting Longer: Power Line
Obam plans to make climate change his top second term priority: IBD
Duped by Congressional Lies: Williams
A Brief Look at the "Blue Wall" and the Cracks Therein: Ace
Obama's Jewish Support Drops 22 Points in New York: WS
Federal Court: Speech restrictions on students unconstitutional: Thurber
The Rich Don't Pay Their Fair Share: PerryUnions out to divide and conquer workplaces: Foundry
Delphi retirees break through Obama stonewall on UAW bailout: Malkin
Public Sector Has Lost Jobs. But Does Obama Understand Why?: Ace
Fresh Hell From The Obama Administration: Micro-Unions: HayRide
Memo to Obama: It's Government That's Doing Fine: IBD
Obama: We Need More Teachers – Romney: Not So Fast: CDN
Study in crony capitalism: ObamaCare and Big Pharma: Hot Air
Improving Health Care: Stossel
Scandal Central
Are contempt charges a game of Capitol Hill chicken?: Hot AirCornyn to Holder: “It is my sincere hope President Obama replaces you”: Hot Air
Dangerous Incompetence: Twitchy
CMS Report:Obamacare to boost health care spending by $478 billion: Exam
Who’s lying? Axelrod / Holder offer conflicting tales on whether political advice was given to each other: FAM
Holder: ‘I Stuck by My Guns’: CNS
Climate & Energy
The longest, most high resolution, most inconvenient paleoclimate data that hasn’t been published: WattsAFPM Sues EPA Over Agency's Mandate to Use Non-Existent Biofuels: SacBee
Humans have played 'dominant role' in the warming of the oceans over the past 50 years--study: Daily Mail
7 Ways Conservative Activists Are Harassed By The Left: HawkinsNeal Rauhauser’s About To Have a Very Bad Day: Conservatory
73% Think Photo ID Requirement Before Voting Does Not Discriminate: Rasmussen (4/16/12)
Who’s Lying? Obama or the Times?: Morris
How to be racist, according to the CBC: NakedDC
Joy Behar Wants to See Romney's House Burn Down: 'Who's He Going to Call, the Mormon Fire Patrol?': NB
Republican Surrenderists for Obamacare: Malkin
Ebony and Ivory: Black and White Voters Alike a Deserting Obama: Glob
Former Giffords Aide Beats Jesse Kelly, Headed for Rematch in November: WaPo
3 charts that show just how badly the ECB is doing right now: PethOpposition rally in Moscow draws tens of thousands: AP
Iran's oil exports plummet as sanctions bite, agency says: Reuters
Apple eyes open iPhone distribution: The fallout: ZDNetFacebook Targets 16.6% Of The Web On WordPress With New Easy-Install Social Blog Widgets: TechCrunch
Why Smart People are Stupid: Slashdot
Compared to Magical: GodinDoing Fine: TAB
The Scary Medical Bad News That May Actually Be Good News: Zilla
Image: Ace o' Spades
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Ted Cruz for U.S. Senate
QOTD: "...newly leaked information about the DOJ’s actions leaves no doubt that the committee has a duty now to aggressively pursue any and all information germane to its investigation. Six wiretap applications for the Fast and Furious program signed off by Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer, Deputy Assistant Attorney General Jason Weinstein and Deputy Assistant Attorney General Kenneth Blanco provide clear evidence that this scandal reaches the top level of the DOJ. Dismissing the investigation as mere partisan politics simply is not credible given what we now know.
The undisputed fact is that there are two dead federal agents and potentially hundreds killed in Mexico because top DOJ officials approved the sale of thousands of weapons and never determined how such dangerous firearms would be tracked.
Furthermore, DOJ has been sitting on a request for specific information about Fast and Furious since October." --Mark J. Rozell and Mitchell Sollenberger
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