
Psst! List of Pols Skipping Dem Convention Now at Seven: Bizzy
Ryan being vetted for VP: NRO
Imperial Presidency: Foundry
Obama Campaign Gift Registry is Bush’s Fault: Nice Deb
Congressman Calls Nancy Pelosi 'Mind-Numbingly Stupid': MenRec
A Lawless Society: Sultan Knish
Obama the first Invented-American president: Steyn
Barack Obama is your husband, too, or something.: NakedDC
Factual Free-Market Fairness: Bleeding HeartUSDA Ad says Food Stamps help you look and feel good: FAM
GM to offshore U.S. jobs to China, Mexico, South Korea: Populist
We Only Needed More ‘Bottom Up’ Economics: LoneCon
Looking for a Job? Try North Dakota!: CDN
Random Thoughts: Sowell
Scandal Central
Fast and Furious and OCDETF: McCarthyWhat If Walmart Sold 2500 Illegal Guns, Got Them into Mexico, and Hid the Records from Congress?: Breitbart
Brian Terry – Jaime Zapata: The Strange Truth of a Government Cover-Up: MagNote
Climate & Energy
Ken Salazar's Offshore Charade Continues: CFPHillary announces $20 million to African nations to boost clean energy projects: WZ
A response to Dr. Paul Bain’s use of ‘denier’ in the scientific literature: Watts
A Note on ‘Fast and Furious,’ Executive Privilege, and the End of the Obama Administration: KimballThe One Excuse Obama Hasn’t Used Yet: IMAO
Soledud: "Eric Holder Facing Contempt Charges For Not Supporting Gun Rights": Jawa
NY Times: Democrats Thought Mandate Was Constitutional Because They Said It Was Constitutional: RWN
Of course: NYT praises MSNBC host who attacked veterans on Memorial Day: TAB
Shock: Huckabee Radio Talk Show Off to Slow Start: Equalizer
Liberal Rag Posts Allen West’s Home Address,Picture: Shark Tank
Turns Out Sandra 'Slut' Fluke Isn't A Friend Of Free Speech: Insider
Hilarious: Obama Campaign Demands Transparency From Mitt Romney: Glob
The Muslim Brotherhood's Useful Idiots: GlickMuslim Brotherhood Leader Qaradawi: Allah imposed Hitler on the Jews to punish them: Matzav
Boss of slain Russian whistleblower: Obama administration trying to appease Putin: Haaretz
Nigerian Islamist Group Boko Haram Claims To Have 300 Suicide Bombers Ready To Attack Christians: WZ
Defeating the Jewish Alinskyites: Glick
Turkey Says Syria Gave Jet No Warning: WSJ
Friendshake: Facebook’s New Mobile Feature For Finding People Nearby : TechCrunchTop 10 habits for successful weight loss revealed: Times of India
The Next Secrets of the Web: Crunch
The most arrogant man in the world invites himself to your wedding: MOTUSThis Week in Automotivators: RWN
Well, Fork You Too: Lady Liberty
Image: US Olympic trials: Ashton Eaton breaks decathlon world record
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Ted Cruz for U.S. Senate
QOTD: "There is little doubt that the wiretap applications would show that senior DOJ officials were aware of the gunwalking tactic long before Agent Terry was gunned down on December 14, 2010. But that’s not the half of it. Bet your bottom dollar that gunwalking was discussed in the consideration of whether to make Fast and Furious an OCDETF case in the first place. OCDETF investigations, moreover, are carefully monitored by the Justice Department throughout, to ensure that the extraordinary flow of funding continues to be worthwhile. I’m wagering that senior DOJ officials — which is to say, Obama-administration political appointees — knew about the gunwalking for close to a year before Agent Terry’s death...
...OCDETF cases get the attention of the Justice Department’s top hierarchy. What gets that level of attention gets the attorney general’s attention. And what gets the attorney general’s attention very often gets the president’s attention.
That would be the president who just invoked executive privilege." --Andrew C. McCarthy
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