Holder Goes Back On His Word, Delivers No Documents to Issa: Blaze
Surprise, surprise: MSM story about Rubio turns out to be false: Sarah
New Yorkers about to give up last hope of gun ownership: CDN
Dead Dog Gets Voter Registration Form: JWF
Dem hopes of taking House dim: Hill
Issa: Holder not complying, contempt vote still on tomorrow: Malkin
It’s On: Holder tries to play Issa, will be subject of contempt vote Wed.: RS
Florida hit with new lawsuit over voter purge effort: Reuters
Shock: AP Underplays Coverage of Steep Jobs Drop: BizzyBlogAccording to Union, Raising Wages Attacks Workers’ Rights: Foundry
Jim Jordan: Don't Tinker With Obamacare, Repeal the Whole Thing: Foundry
“Sustainable justice” = redistribution of scarcity: Watts
20 Inconvenient Years for the Left’s Media Spin on Obamacare: RS
Obama finally creating jobs! Romney hecklers in MI being paid: FAM
Scandal Central
Vanderboegh reports 'Gunwalker' link to Obama ‘tough guy’ advisor: CodreaATF Whistleblower Disappointed with Congressional Investigation of Fast and Furious: MainJustice
Judicial Watch Sues ATF Over Fast and Furious: NewsMax
Climate & Energy
NASA: Study Finds Ancient Warming Greened Antarctica: WattsNational Weather Service Union warns people will die because of budget cuts: Watts
Good Grief! Spare Us From All That Manipulative Green Guilt Nonsense!: Forbes
Two Paths: HoweBloomberg: Romney Better Than Obama: S&L
Blaze Exposes Lisa Murkowski’s Earmark in the House Land Use Bill: RS
Women, Ditches and Libs: Innocent Bystanders
Tucker Carlson: “One Thing About Barack Obama Is How Few Friends He Has": GWP
MSNBC Caught Deceptively Editing Video Of Mitt Romney: OTB
SooperMexican Vs. The Mainstream Media: Hawkins
#WAWAGate Day Three: Twitter Bomb MSNBC Campaign: Sooper
Andrea Mitchell: We “Didn’t Have a Chance” to Tell the Truth About Romney: Patterico
Bloomberg News enters MakeUpCrapistan: “I’M MAKING THIS UP”: Malkin
Obama speaks and takes questions after conference with world leaders; bores everybody: Twitchy
Lawrence O'Donnell Mocks Ann Romney for Riding Horses to Combat Multiple Sclerosis: NB
Shocking video: Jews barred from Boca Raton synagogue because they oppose Obama: MatzavEgypt: Obama threatens opposition to the Muslim Brotherhood with withdrawal of foreign aid: Atlas
'The Two Men Barely Looked at Each Other': WS
DOJ Secretly Drops Terrorism Charges In Taliban Case: JW
Surrounded by 20 World Leaders, Obama “Was Chewing Gum the Whole Time: JWF
IDF takes out terrorist involved in attack on Egypt border: Times of Israel
The Failure of Anti-Virus Companies to Catch Military Malware: SchneierStuxnet, Duqu, Flame Targeted Illegal Windows Systems In Iran: Dark Reading
You are now watching the throne: Samsung Galaxy S III review: Ars Technica
Let's Make Obama a Regular, Everyday Guy Again: Looking SpoonMaking the world a more dangerous place one lie at a time: MOTUS
Jews Failed to Spot Hitler's Menace: Forward
Image: Holder Does Not Provide Fast and Furious Documents in Meeting with Darrell Issa
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Support Ted Cruz for U.S. Senate
QOTD: "If anyone can remember a time since the pre-civil rights era when prominent politicians, especially a sitting governor, effectively boycotted the Democratic National Convention, I’d like to know when it happened.
This should be major news. It’s not unreasonable to believe that the establishment press will try very hard to downplay this development. One clue will be how much the AP extends its currently posted item. You can bet the ranch that if any Republican governor were to decide not to come the party’s convention this fall, it would front-page and leading-the-broadcast news." --Tom Blumer
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