
Tarheel trainwreck: The coming DNC disaster: Malkin
Obama Marked Down in Georgia: Powers
Another Sign Dems are Writing Off Obama: Lifson
Why the House Must Impeach President Obama: LoneCon
Ex-Democrat Artur Davis on His Evolution: AmSpec
The People Obama Invites to the White House, Part XXXII: Powers
Flashback: Biden Calls Individual Mandate “Socialistic”: WZ
Heh. MA GOP buys Liz Warren membership: Sarah
The Mind of a Marxist: 'It's the Public Sector That Needs Help': RedCtyImpressed Labor, Enslaved Clients Make Millions for Dems: Cons
Supreme Court curbs union abuse: JRubin
That $3 dinner with Obama may cost you hundreds in taxes: LI
If you love your spouse, you are not worthy of Obama: DTG
GM recalls 475,418 Chevy Cruze for engine shield: Reuters
Scandal Central
Why would anyone trust Eric Holder?: PowerDon't Ken And Josephine Terry Have "Absolute Moral Authority"?: Rhymes
More Stealth Amnesty Behind The Scenes: JW
Climate & Energy
Team Obama Kills Another 750 Coal Jobs in Virginia, Kentucky and West Virginia: GWPSenate kills effort to block EPA regulations on coal-powered plants: Events
EPA Fines Refineries for Not Using Substance That Does Not Exist: MB
E-Mails Expose MSNBC Host’s Involvement in #StopRush Boycott: RSMNYT: NBC Adrift, Losing Ground As Brian "What's Fast and Furious?" Williams New Show A Flop: Riehl
Politico Reporter Suspended for Remarks: Politico
Disgusting: Left calls Fast & Furious just politics : Brian Terry could not be reached for comment: DTG
Obama's White Support Is Too Low to Win: RCP
Gay Activists Flip Off Man who Opposed Anti-Gay Briggs Amendment: GayPatriot
Obama’s lies and the media’s betrayal: Q&O
Juan Williams defends Holder’s Executive Privilege over Brian Terry’s death: ‘Hey, people die’: Scoop
BREAKING: Motion Filed Seeking Federal Injunction on Behalf of Blogger: RSM
AEI’s Pethokoukis Slices, Dices, and Destroys WaPo’s Romney-Outsourcing Story: BizzyBlog
Mary Cheney married her long-time partner today: GOP congratulates, Left spews hate: Twitchy
Dire Warning From a Radio Voice: NC Register
Oh My: UN Official Tells ACLU Conference Obama Has Committed War Crimes With Drone Airstrikes: WZLong "South Park" Sentence a Win for Free Speech: IPT
And the Rachel Corrie Award For Sand-Pounding Stupidity goes to...: WyBlog
UN takes away toilet paper to get rid of media as the stench of Rio failure fills the air: Depot
Risk of Greek blackouts increases as traders cut or halt power supplies: Telegraph
Israel bombs Hamas security targets in Gaza-officials: Reuters
Twitter explains Thursday outage: ComputerWorldMicrosoft's Surface proves software is dead: Register
Nokia Phone Sales Face More Hurdles: WSJ
Eric Holder vs. George Zimmerman – Ding! Ding!: Sad HillHeroes: U.S. Marines Step Up For Bullied Bus Monitor, Karen Klein: Online Fund Now At Half Million Dollars: Riehl
Caption This! Hillary, Our Esteemed, Buffoonish, Secretary of State: Bruce
Pic of the Day: F-35B Shows Off its Gun Pod: DefTech
Raiders Of The Lost Walmart Uncover Star Wars Sandtroopers, Free Games, Windows Vista: Consumerist
we rustics .... keeping your bellies full ....: Winter Soldier
Image: The People's Cube
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Support Ted Cruz for U.S. Senate
QOTD: "Since his attack has a low density of victims the Nigerian scammer has an over-riding need to reduce false positives. By sending an email that repels all but the most gullible the scammer gets the most promising marks to self-select, and tilts the true to false positive ratio in his favor." --Microsoft Research, "Why Nigerian Scammers Still Say They're From Nigeria" (also applicable to Democrats who believe in Utopian fantasies)
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