
Arrested for Blogging About a Public Figure: Patterico
Contempt: Free speech-trampling judge in Kimberlin case exposed: Malkin
88% of Obama's 2008 $200+ donors AWOL in 2012: Lane
Intrade Has Walker’s Chances over 90%; NY Times in Panic Mode: Mead
Obama Gets Left Behind: Forbes
The Great Destroyer: RWN
Axelrod: Rubio as VP would be insult to Hispanics: Shark
Playing With Words: Sowell
WI: Barrett supports school choice, just not for you: GWPDemocrat-Backed Group Intimidates Voters in WI: Foundry
Is Democrat-tied Wisconsin group violating election law?: Breitbart
Obama Obfuscates His “Prairie Fire of Debt”: FreedomWorks
The Lowlights Of Obamanomics: IBD
Don’t blame Wall Street for the financial crisis, blame the CRA: Peth
Scandal Central
IL: No pension reform but guide horses approved for Muslims: CreepingTop Colorado Democrat Currently Registered to Vote in Both D.C. and Colorado: RS
Justice Department Is Already In Axelrod's Pocket: IBD
Climate & Energy
World’s Most Predictable Headline: “Buyers’ Remorse For California’s ‘Bullet Train To Nowhere’”: RWNNew eco-friendly trains should be exempt from environmental regs, says Calif. gov: Malkin
History repeats itself Democrats attempting to intimidate a Southern Black Activist & family: DTGOuch: Crowd Boos When Biden Mentions Obama During High School Commencement: WZ
I am Barack Obama's Worst Nightmare: AT
New York Mets brag about new partner Bill Maher; Twitter backlash ensues: Twitchy
Seems more like tailwinds: Hopenchange Cartoons
Obama's Latest Bailout Plan Summarized In 4 Words: "3000 Bucks For Thingamajigs": ZH
Move Along: Associated Press Spins Wisconsin Recall As Meaningless Nationally: NB
The Mainstream Media Calls Out the Mainstream Media: Cato
The RNC …cuts and pastes OfA’s Anna Wintour ad.: RS
Try As They Might...: ushanka
Wisconsin: Barrett Campaign Cracks Down On Objective Reporters: Riehl
Apt: Erupting Urinal Soaks House Press Gallery: NatlJrnl
Special Report: George Soros: Godfather of the Left: MRCOpen letter to Chancellor Merkel: Sacrifice Spain: Spengler
Muslims in New Jersey rally to get ‘Jew out of office’ : Creeping
A National Day of... Celebrating Terror: Post
Morality and Sanity Demand an End to Drug Prohibition: ObjStd
Jihadi Professor who shouted 'death to Israel' at public lecture remains at Kent State University: Matzav
Facebook to experiment with access for under-13s: EngadgetThe Oracle v. Google aftermath: Ars Technica
‘Fit2Fat2Fit’ Author Drew Manning’s Top 5 Weight-Loss Mistakes to Avoid: ABC
Nine-year old boy donates Disney trip he earned to family of fallen soldier: BlackFiveVideo re-enactment of the Holder-Axelrod fight: EBL
Another blogger targeted by Brett Kimberlin supporters; a National Day of Blogger Silence Friday: Twitchy
Image: The Bad
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Donate a few bucks to Ted Cruz for U.S. Senate
QOTD: "The American media has become virtually indistinguishable from the Russian and Chinese media, in its hysterical support for the regime and vindictive smears of opponents. The only difference between Newsweek, Pravda and Xinhua is their level of sophistication. Pravda and Xinhua have never been anything more than vulgar organs of the regime, but the American media is descending into savagery while leaving behind a legacy of civilization. Like a citizen turned cannibal, it still has some of the cultural trappings of its past, but it's discarding them as quickly as Newsweek can photoshop new covers. Like the Russian media, the favorite topic of its American counterparts is the inscrutable divinity of its leader, who has not so much failed, as succeeded on a higher level that mere mortals, concerned with paying their bills and having a job, are not privy to. If he has failed, it's only because of the obstructionism of the running dog Republican capitalists who would rather see the country burn than concede his unearthly genius.
The problem with propagandists is that they get so taken in by their own illusion of power, that they stop noticing when no one is paying attention to them. Barely a quarter of the country digested and accepted the swill that the media had poured out over it in 07 and 08. What the public noticed was that there seemed to be a consensus that the One was the one. They didn't notice it by reading every screed that the American heirs to Goebbels were scribbling up at Time and the New York Times. Like a television that is on in the room, while you're vacuuming or doing laundry, they noticed it mainly as background noise in their lives. " --Daniel Greenfield (corrected)
QOTD -- Jeff Greefield or Daniel Greenfield? It is a great quote and should be properly attributed. Am I missing something?
"National Day of Blogger Silence -- This Friday: Ace"
Nice sentiment but meaningless. The only meaningful action that can be taken in this case is with a baseball bat. The sooner that is understood and implemented the sooner the need for empty gestures like this will cease.
PS: The lastest CAPCHA is a major pain in the ass.
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