
DHS: Laptops, Phones Can Be Searched Based on Hunches: CBS DC
Method to Their Madness: Cold Fury
White House Counsel Robert Bauer: Architect of IRS Abuse?: Adams
Tips For Right-Wingers On The IRS Scandal: Ann Coulter
Secret Man Caves Found in EPA Warehouse: GovExec
Quote of the Day: Driscoll
Sebelius Dooms 10-Year Old To Death, Refuses To Waive HHS Reg: RWN
CNN: judge grants order for young girl to get lung transplant: Scoop
The Coming Obamacare Disaster: Cal ThomasMike Lee: Rubio’s Approach to Immigration Reform Is ‘Nonsensical’: Grudnicki
Obama Admin To Sell 50 Million Shares Of GM, Taxpayers Lose $10 Billion: WZ
Scandal Central
EPA confesses to handing out farmers’ personal information to activist-lawyers: Moe LaneCNN: IRS wasted MILLIONS while claiming not enough staff to deal with Tea Party applications: Scoop
Top IRS Official For Obamacare Implementation Placed On Administrative Leave: BuzzFeed
Climate & Energy
Richard Windsor Lives: Eliana JohnsonMedia
Wait, I Thought Guns, Golf and Chicago Were the New N-Word on MSNBC: DriscollWhite House Whitewashes First Lady’s Angry Temper Tantrum: JWF
Lindsey Graham Asks: Does the First Amendment Apply to Bloggers: Pavlich
Yep: It Still Looks Like Eric Holder Lied to Congress: Paul Mirengoff
Tell Us What You Really Think: Stephen Green
NBC/WSJ Poll: Obama’s Approval Rating Among Independents Implodes To Only 29%: WZ
Get in Their Faces: Obama to Name Paid Liar Susan Rice National Security Advisor: JWF“Obama is about Obama”: Mark Levin explains why Obama REALLY appointed Susan Rice to NSA: Scoop
Susan Rice to replace Donilon as Obama's national security adviser: Hill
Samantha Power, Hater of Israel: Paul Mirengoff
Pushing Islamic Blasphemy Laws in the West: Gates of Vienna
Major National Jewish Organization Opposes Obama Nominee Samantha Power For U.N. Ambassador: RWN
Former Zynga employee takes to Reddit: TheNextWebKenya is at the cutting edge of innovation in mobile money: InnovExc
This Is the World’s Quietest Place: Techland
Are We Going to War?: Mollie HemingwayBi-the way, did you hear what Lady M didn’t say yesterday?: MOTUS
Hundreds gathered for armed march: KXXV
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Senate Conservatives Fund
QOTD: "I spent seven years working for the most successful NSC Adviser in history, Henry Kissinger.
I watched him conceive new policies, negotiate with foreign leaders, ride herd over the bureaucracy, massage the press and foreign policy intelligentsia, work behind the scenes with congressional leaders.
Susan Rice can’t do any of those things.[Emphasis in the original, because dayum.]" --K.T. McFarland via Stephen Green
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Why doesn’t the POTUS simply shut down these surveillance operations if he disapproves of their use?
He controls the whole operation, and if he doesn’t like something left over from the previous administration, why doesn’t he just issue an order to have it stopped?
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