Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Unhinged leftists Matt Bernius, Doug Mataconis and their confused crew of commenters are searching for real Obama scandals

I'm not sure exactly when the Outside the Beltway blog went off the deep end but it wasn't all that long ago that it possessed a modicum of balance and commenters actually interested in debate. Those days are long since over, as evidenced by the site's steadily declining Alexa traffic and its confused crew of Statist commenters.

Exhibit 8 jabillion: the ludicrous Matt Bernius' latest homage to unhinged moonbattery entitled "So Far, Issa’s IRS Transcripts Contain A Whole Lot Of Nothing", which pooh-poohs the IRS whistleblowers' revelations that the president's paid spokesman outright lied to the American public.

While much media attention has been paid Issa’s now infamous accusation that White House spokesman Jay Carney is a “paid liar,” little time has been spent looking to see if there is any substance behind his sensationalism. Unfortunately for Issa, if these excerpts represent the best evidence his committee has of systemic wrong doing, he — and the House Oversight Committee — have very little new information about the situation.

And, as we've come to expect from the Hallelujah chorus of Statist kooks at OTB, the commenters -- including Doug Mataconis -- gleefully cheer the willful blindness to wrongdoing by the Obama administration.

• "...if this is the best they’ve got, it’s really not much at all."

• "...this could apply just as easily to a host of other pseudo-scandals the GOP has been busy auto-erotically asphyxiating themselves over for the last couple years..." (Eight up-votes! No down-votes!)

• "Issa is trying to feed a narrative that Obama is a dictator with his tentacles everywhere while also feeding a contradictory narrative that he’s detached and incompetent..."

No, the blinkered nuts at OTB can't find any evidence of fascism or scandalous behavior on the part of the Obama administration, despite -- and this is all off the top of my head, mind you -- recent revelations that:

• Much of the Executive Branch is operating false or cut-out email accounts to avoid public accountability laws and FOIA requests;

• The same mental midgets that hyperventilated about The Pet Goat can't really be bothered to ask what President Obama was doing for eight hours as his ambassador and three diplomatic security personnel were slaughtered during a running gun-battle;

• The fact that the president and his secretary of state knowingly lied to the American people about the nature of that attack in Benghazi for days or weeks on end;

• The willful targeting of opposition political groups -- and the media -- by instrumentalities of government including not only the IRS, but the EPA, HHS, the DOJ, and the Department of Labor;

• Clear, unvarnished perjury by the Attorney General in multiple matters before Congress -- and, if not to Congress, then to the judge from which Holder finally secured an unprecedented search of James Rosen's records after a judge-shopping spree;

• Violation of the Separation of Powers doctrine by the president in unilaterally declaring the Senate in recess in order to bypass the Senate's advise and consent role in appointing his left-wing labor and CPFB cronies; said violations confirmed by not one, but two, federal district courts;

I could go on, but I'll spare you. Just refer to the timeless classic entitled "President Barack Obama's Complete List of Historic Firsts" for a more comprehensive view of the unprecedented assault on the Constitution by this administration.

But OTB and its readers can't find any scandalous behavior by the Obama White House. Which means, like the rest of the progressive left destroying this country, they have no more respect for the Constitution than they do a used Kleenex. They can't see a federal government that expands, in good times and bad, intruding into every aspect of our livelihoods, from automobiles to shower-heads, from backyard ponds to toilets. And now, in a spasmodic fit of self-preservation as the welfare state implodes, the massive authoritarian, centralized government and its apparatchiks like those at OTB act not in the best interest of the people, no, but instead politically attack those seeking to constrain the cancerous growth.

Which is why I needed to employ carbon-dating to ascertain the last time Outside the Beltway actually contained valuable posts or thoughtful commentary. Consider Bernius, Mataconis and their ilk useful only as comic relief.

Hat tip: BadBlue News.


Anonymous said...


I can't stand that site anymore-I know, you need to get your info from all sides but sheeshm c'mon, at some point, one they blew past quite a while ago, you just gotta shake your head and hope someone there cracks a window or something.

TheFineReport.com said...

It's an amazing thing to watch someone deluded believe their own press.

These idiots will never change. We simply need to marginalize them by exposing them for what they are.

Dan Collins said...

Look, Doug's not an ideologue, he's just a guy who believes he's the only clear-thinking person on the planet, and that everything that's not him sucks. For some reason people like Vodkapundit and Jazz Shaw caress this disposition, possibly because they want to be seen as open-minded and non-ideological. But as this administration proves daily, ideology always infests *somebody else's* beliefs, so what we've got is an utter clown show.

Mustango said...

As Doug said, you completely misconstrue Mataconis's ambivalence. To him both parties are equally bad so any complaints one files against the other are just so much squawking. The fact that this IRS thing is something that might resonate with voters means nothing to him; chasing voters is not the Libertarian's way.

ZIP said...

Check out Doug's ever sliding traffic numbers. Ouch.


Physics Geek said...

I started calling the website Outside the Balloon Juice more than a year ago. The only reason that I ever go there is for Rodney Dill's caption contests. That has started to lose its appeal as I sometimes inadvertently see other crap on that blog.

Anonymous said...

You guys are familiar with this kind of thing, but I have to admit, I was shaken by reading Doug M's article in Outside The Beltway on the director of the "video" that no one saw. Cognitive dissonance is rough on a person, I will admit, but seeing the way Doug M was willing to push a political prisoner under the bus was pretty sobering. I don't know the man's work, but that is pretty low. I know something about parole violations and the way the state deals with them. This jackboot-in-the-middle-of-the-night against the, with klieg lights and ski masks door was very KGB. I am uneasy with the government's actions: I am much more uneasy about the number of people who hate me more than they love the truth.