Wilders in Washington: his speech at the Capitol: EuroNews
Just whose side is he on?: Spectator (Phillips)
Cast in stone: war consigned to history: Crittenden
"Your conscience means nothing to me": Anchoress
59% still believe government is the problem: Gateway
Obama's CO2 scam will cost $65 billion a year: TAB
Why are people throwing tea parties?: YouTube
The War on Toilet Paper: Surber
Obama the talented, but wily and dishonest, salesman: Lowry
Congress to erase Obama's name from earmark: CQP
The neo-Marxists's modus operandi: Dr. Sanity
End-run on the Second Amendment: Stott
Revolt: Dem Governors joins GOP in rejecting Stimulus dough: PatRoom
Charity Tax Limits Upset Many: Times
Where the $200K+ crowd lives: CNBC
GOP: elect us in '10; we can stop 60% of the Porkulus Bill: PatRoom
Professor Whoopie: Tea Parties are Embarrassing: DequalsS
Romney tops CPAC straw poll for 2012: BMW
Citigroup: Third Bailout Won't Be the Last: FinNinja
Stunning: High Taxes, Union Pensions destroying Rhode Island: LegalIns
Murkowski Introduces Bill to Directionally-Drill in ANWR: Ace
Paul Harvey, radio legend, dies at age 90: Fox
Hollywood stars open "dialogue" with Iran: LegalIns
Memo to America's Irresponsible Tax Whiners: STFU: IowaHawk
Top 10 anti-Obama conservatives: Telegraph (UK)
How the Left destroyed California: Human Events
13 Unsolved Scientific Puzzles: London Times
Panning around the Compact Muon Solenoid: LGF
You're Fired: Happy Hospitalist
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