
Obama attended Bill Ayers Barbecue - 4 July 2005: Breitbart
The Pathetic Legacy of Barack Obama: Power Line
Walker Wins, Democrats Get Swept: CDN
Tonight voters saved Wisconsin, it's time to save America: WyBlog
Priebus memo claims Wis. boost: Politico
Democrats Already Attacking Republican Voters in Wisconsin: Sooper
All Class: President Obama at the Air Force Academy: GWP
Obama approval collapses among Jewish voters: Beacon
7 scariest facts from the new CBO long-term budget forecast: PethThree Charts That Will Blow Your Mind: Hawkins
Liz Warren family flip wigwams for heap big wampum: Wizbang
The national debt isn’t $15 trillion. It’s $50 trillion: Peth
The Wintour of their discontent: Pundette
WI Public Unions unveil their new logo!: Sooper
Government Down $16 Billion on GM Bailout: WS
Hats Off to McDonald’s and Coca-Cola for Protesting Soda Ban: ObjStd
Sounds sustainable: More Than 40 Percent of Americans Are on Some Government Program: Foundry
Scandal Central
Fast and Furious wiretap information obtained by Congress: AttkissonWhat Is Obama Hiding?: AT
Chaffetz: Holder Ignoring Fast and Furious Letter is “Embarrassment” For Speaker Boehner: Nice Deb
Climate & Energy
The Greatest Hoax? Global Warming, Says Sen. James Inhofe: AIMWind power, solar power, and unintended consequences: AEI
UK Government adviser Bill McGuire says global warming causing... earthquakes and landslides: Watts
The Latest on the Kimberlin Saga: “WWIII” + A Victory For Free Speech In Georgia: Nice Deb“Kill Scott Walker”: Angry libs flood Twitter with death threats after Wisconsin recall defeat: Twitchy
Fool Me Twice: Fauxbama at Book Expo America 2012: Urban Infidel
The Whupping in Wisconsin: Seven Key Conclusions: Erickson
A Moment To Reflect On Our Valiant Opposition In Wisconsin: Riehl
Meanwhile in California, Pension Reform Winning with Voters: Reason
David Axelrod Reaches New Depth of Desperation in Spin: Geraghty
Best Line of the Night: Sarah Palin on Wisconsin Recall: “Obama’s Goose Is Cooked”: GWP
Ed 'The Red' Schultz: ‘This is not going to be an easy night for this broadcaster’: DC
Remember when Top Secret meant something?: BlackFiveSenate Democrats blast national security leak on Iran cyber-attack: Hill
Baghdad Dreaming: Bolton
Researchers reveal how Flame fakes Windows Update: ComputerWorldButtons Morph Out Of Your Touchscreen With Tactus: SingularityHub
Once Deemed Evil, Google Now Embraces “Paid Inclusion”: MarketingLand
Breaking the Circle of Poverty, One Election at a Time: MOTUSFirst They Came For Our Soda...: Lady Liberty
Forest Service hit for Border Patrol call: Times
Image: Urban Infidel
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Support Ted Cruz for U.S. Senate
QOTD: "At present, Germany appears to respond to events rather than anticipate them. That increases uncertainty and the risk of a major financial crisis. If Germany acted with clarity, though, the outcome would not be a crisis, but rather the deliberate amputation of gangrenous parts of the financial system in order to salvage the whole.
Ultimately, [Germany] will have to sacrifice Spain. That will compromise the French banks, which in turn will require German support. Spain is unsalvageable. It is better to take the pain early and deliberately, rather than later and chaotically. Dealing expeditiously with Spain, moreover, should convince Italy to adopt the reforms which can prevent it from following Spain and Greece into de facto national bankruptcy. " --Spengler
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