It is the latter topic that should be of the most concern for all of us. Meeker's summary for the U.S.? "A lot to be excited about in tech, a lot to be worried about in other areas."
Three slides, in particular, stood out for me.

Consumer confidence has never recovered from the housing bust thanks to the policies of Barack Obama and Democrats in Congress. They were more interested in passing draconian, centralized programs for socialized medicine and "financial reform" than spurring job creation. Now, for you drones out there: compare the Obama "recovery" with that of the Reagan era. Under Reagan, consumer confidence at this stage of the presidency was skyrocketing as the private sector began to thrive. Under Obama? No hope and no change.

Deficits, thanks to the massive Stimulus and its progeny, are at record-setting levels. All of the trillions of dollars Obama has wasted haven't solved any of America's economic problems. Because stealing money from the private sector and laundering it through government bureaucracies can't increase productivity. Wealth redistribution robs the productive sector and prevents job creation.

And, as Meeker observers, on the Obama trajectory, the American economy is headed for collapse.
The laws of mathematics are immutable. And yet Democrats, because they think they're immune to facts, logic and reason, persist in their destructive plans. And it will not be you or I that bear the brunt of their foolishness; it will be our children and grandchildren.
November is coming.
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