
One can't sound like Lincoln if there is no message: Hanson
Guess who interrupted Bush's 2006 speech?: GWP
Interview with Joe Wilson: Riehl
Dissecting a Speech to Nowhere: BlogProf
ACORN's latest lawbreaking: PJM (Feldman)
Cheney and Rumsfeld: Still Heroes to Some: PJM (Gould)
At the top of the televangelist's game: Pruden
ACORN: more accused of vote fraud in Florida: BlogProf
Bush never did that: Pools
Uncivil debate: blatant insults in Obama's speech: BigPic
It's a No-Fly Zone: It's Too Christian: YouTube
9-11: the Desecration: AT (Geller)
ACORN attempts to 'stimulate' the economy: PowersOkay, I've seen enough: Scratching Post
The view from North Carolina: AFP
Is the U.S. bankrupt?: AT (Morin)
Stossel to Fox Business - Smart Move: RiehlObama seen failing to sway health debate: Times
Detroit press on Granholm's $1.1 billion tax hike: BlogProf
AP and Reason fact-check Obama's speech: Hot Air
Alan Binder: 'Obama is no socialist': ushanka
It’s come to this: Olbermann lectures Joe Wilson: Hot Air
Own it, Mr. Secretary: Villanous Company
Climate & Energy
WaPo: Climate hysteria may be another bubble waiting to burst: DepotWorld
Obama at the UN: Hazards Large and Small: CornerHuman Rights Watch sends out the sockpuppets: Elder of Ziyon
Likelihood of Israeli military action has now gone through the roof: Corner
Verdict first; investigation afterwards: Soccer Dad
U.S.S. Independence (LCS-2): A Triple Hulled, Weapons-Laden Monster: LGAIPanel says NASA needs private alternatives: S&L
Audi President: Chevy Volt is a "Car for Idiots": MSN Autos
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