
Sunstein: Governments must fund abortion: RBO
Massive Voter Fraud in NY Linked to ACORN: BigGov
Why Medical Malpractice Is Off Limits: WSJ
Obama Lied About Another Insurance Case: S&L
WFP/ACORN Voter Fraud in Troy, NY: Lane
Barack Obama's Work Ethic: AT (Lasky)
Deeds cuts margin in VA governor's race: Times
Bidding for the Olympics, Chicago-Style: TapscottMark-to-Myth Losers: Americans: Denninger
Graph of the Day: AT (Hoven)
The SEIU official with an ACORN email address: Red State
Senate Finance Committee Rejects Public Option: Ace
Wall Street Money Rains on Chmuck Schumer: Politico
Shocker: Government Employees Sit on Their Asses Looking At Porn: Ace
How To Be A 21st Century Bigot: InstaPunditWhat They're Telling Us: Steyn
Author Claims Two Sources for Ayers' Role in Dreams: AT (Cashill)
Unmasking Obama: AT (Lifson)
Sen. Grassley Highlights VS Videos During Senate Finance Markup: Verum Serum
Andy Williams, George Santayana, Ann Althouse, Liberals on Obama: Kesler
Kelsee Brown is not, repeat not, a right-wing extremist: RSM
Video: Coulter on Liberal takeover of Public Schools: BlogProf
Three years on the Watchers' Council: Soccer Dad
Climate & Energy
The New Nixon: a Coverup, Tapes, and a Modified ‘Midnight Massacre’: BigGovColdest Winter in the Decade. Next?: Fausta
Behaving like we were born yesterday: AcesMr. President: The Alternative to Victory is Defeat: Rubin
Hands Off Honduras: Totten
Over the River and Through the Woods to…the Iranian Bomb: Rosett
Gingrich blasts administration for backing leftist criminal in Honduras: GWP
Death penalty for women who fake "virginity": Ziyon
Phenomics—the Phinal Phrontier: Psychology Today (Oakley)Cornucopia
Hoskins Cemetary Road: RSMThe Manchurian President: PJM (Vodkapundit)
Weekend Caption Contest Winners: Wizbang
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