Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Democrats Want to Tax Your Constitutional Rights

Word tonight that a New York legislator is pushing a bill in Congress to require gun owners to buy liability insurance or face a $10,000 fine. That's right: Democrats want you to pay a tax in order to exercise a God-given mandate that is codified in plain English in our Bill of Rights.

Dr. John Lott, the world's foremost expert on gun laws, offers the following astute observation:

With the cost of insurance at up to $2,000, Democrats put the fine for not having insurance at $10,000.

Compare that to Obamacare where the fines for not having insurance are less than a quarter of the costs for people whose income is at $50,000.

My interpretation is that Democrats are not serious about people getting health insurance, but they are serious [in] stopping people from owning guns.

Remember, folks, a penalty is a tax, except when it's just a tax, other than when it is a penalty or simply a penalty and a tax. Ain't that right, Chief Justice Roberts?


Anonymous said...

Why do conservatives suck so horribly using the courts to defend our civil liberties?

All of the laws on the books protecting voting rights could / should be used to defend our other constitutional rights. What's the difference between being illegal to place a poll tax on voting and an ammo tax? The 2nd Amendment says, "Congress shall make no law....". Voting rights are based on federal state laws, but provide more freedom than a crystal clear constitutional amendment.

TrollLover said...

I don't know about the legal ramifications, but DAY-AM! That chick is purty.

Georg Felis said...

In the spirit of Obamacare, will they also propose a $10,000 fine for failing to purchase and carry a concealed firearm?

Anonymous said...

how much more straw can the camel be expected to carry before its back is broken??
