
Sunil Tripathi Information 4/19/2013: PunditPress
‘White Hat Suspect’ In Boston Bombings On Run, Other Dead: CBS Boston
DHS File: Saudi National “Linked to the Boston Bombing”: Nice Deb
Missing Brown Student: iOTW
Photo of 8 Year-Old Victim Martin Richard With Bomber: GWP
Gif of Bombing Suspect Fits Missing Brown Student Sunil Tripathi: Sooper
Billboard and previous surveillance image of Sunil Tripathi: Riehl
Boston Bomber Suspect Mike Mulugeta’s Twitter Account: Riehl
But My Plan Was PERFECT!: WilsonThe President's Gun Tirade and You: Dossier
Biden: Obama 'Already Lining Up... Additional Executive Actions' for Guns: WS
Pelosi, Biden issue threats after Senate Gun Control Failure: Owens
Legal Immigration: What About Those that Followed the Law?: Foundry
FBI Releases Photos, Video of Boston Marathon Bombing Suspects: Breitbart
Pompeo to Baucus: If ObamaCare is a “train wreck,” blame yourself: Hot Air
“BREAKING: President Readying Executive Orders on Gun Control”: ProWis
Wicker Hired Ricin Suspect As Elvis Impersonator: Roll Call
McDonald’s Franchisee: ‘Obamacare will negatively hit us like nothing else’: ScoopHealth Insurance Actuaries In the Hot Seat On ‘Rate Shock’: KHN
Don’t raise or eliminate the cap: AEI
Scandal Central
Facelift John Kerry On Benghazi: ‘We’ve Got A Lot More Important Things To Move On To’: HopeJoe Biden Invents Phony Gun Statistics — Because SHUT UP HATERS, That’s Why!: RSM
Gosnell Trial Witness: Baby Abortion Survivor Was 'Swimming' in Toilet 'Trying to Get Out': CNS
All Your Gun Base Are Belong To Us: CJ“It’s the end of the rule of law on immigration” Mark Levin interviews Steve King: Scoop
Predictable: Obama is Making His Talk At the Boston Memorial About Himself: iOTW
Ben Carson Silenced, Bill Ayers Given Podium: MB
CCRKBA to Piers Morgan: ‘Your plane is waiting’: CFP
Gosnell employee says she saw more than 10 babies breath before they were killed: Scoop
Obama Administration Snubs Thatcher Funeral: FoundryIslam's Collective Punishment of Christians: IPT
Pamela Geller's Banned Synagogue Talk, April 14, 2013: Geller
Sci-Tech (courtesy
Stephen Hawking: So here's how it all happened without God: CNetStarburst Galaxy Could Illuminate Early Universe: NatGeo
What's your obsolete tech really worth on eBay?: PCWorld
Doolittle Raiders say this reunion will be last: ArmyTimesThe Most Deranged Sorority Girl Email You Will Ever Read (NSFW): Gawker
Elvis Has Left the Building: MOTUS
Image: PunditPress
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Urgent: Support the Franklin Center's Fight Against Fascism
QOTD: "We are the product of quantum fluctuations in the very early universe.
I certainly feel like the product of quantum fluctuations on many days of the week, don't you?"--Dr. Steven Hawking
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