
Source: Tsarnaev brothers had 7 more bombs to set off in NYC: Riehl
Feds Further Investigating Role of Bomber's Wife: WS
Levin: Holder to blame for prematurely Mirandizing bomber, foiling FBI: Scoop
Worst. Political. Class. Ever.: Q&O
DOD Launches Urban Assault Training In Chicago Suburb: GWP
MA Governor shuts down welfare probe citing terrorists' right to privacy: Scoop
NYC: Privacy Off the Table, We Need More Cameras: Reason
Ron Paul Sabotages Son’s Race with Fringe Advisory Board: Mead
USDA Sponsoring U.S. Food Stamp Program for Illegal Aliens: JWAmerican Families Cannot Afford the Cost of Amnesty: Foundry
Gov. Pence: 5 percent income tax cut largest in Indiana history: IndyChannel
Confirmed: Henry Blodget is an ass-kissing idiot: Denninger
It's A Bit Early To Declare A Winner In The Economic Debate: ZH
Record Number of US Households on Food Stamps: Tatler
Shareholder asks GE to give back taxpayer profits: Exam
27 GOP Senators Embrace Internet Taxes: Find Out Who: Scoop
Meet The Gang Leader Who Fathered 5 Kids With 4 Of His Prison Guards: RWN
Scandal Central
White House: Clinton’s 'Signature' on Benghazi Docs Doesn't Mean She Knew of Them: CNSFBI, Oakland police make arrest after raiding building: KGO-TV Channel 7
Just when you thought sequester nonsense couldn't get worse: Budget Cuts Could Delay 'Boston Bomber' Trial: ABC
Climate & Energy
Hooray! Warmists Say Ocean Is Eating 90% Of The Warmth: RWNMedia
'This is what revolutions are made of!' Levin BLASTS Congress for exempting themselves from Obamacare: ScoopDonna Brazile Praises Bush’s Katrina Efforts, Dems Become Apoplectic: Tatler
‘Every voice counts’: Michelle Malkin wins Breitbart Award: Twitchy
From Melting Pot to Pressure Cooker: RS
Salon Clown David Sirota: Yeah, We Totally Deserve Terrorist Attacks: Tatler
Why We Can't Have A "Reasonable Discussion" On 2A: Denninger
BREAKING: SYRIA USES CHEMICAL WEAPONS. Does this MEAN WAR?: RWNThanks to Islam, Kentucky Derby a virtual police state: Creeping
Saudi Arabia deports man for being 'too handsome' and 'irresistible to women: FirstPost
Vienna: Muslims demonstrate outside U.S. Embassy in favor of the Boston jihad bomber: JihadWatch
Gun Debate: U.S. Murder Rate Actually Low Worldwide: CFIF
Iraq Fears Rise as Clashes Spread to Northern City: ABC
A National Security History Lesson for Marco Rubio: Malkin
What Motivated the Boston Bomber’s Trip to Russia?: Foundry
Attention, Michael Scheuer: Egyptian Muslims murdering Christians with impunity: JihadWatch
Sci-Tech (courtesy
Nutrino Is A Virtual Nutritionist For iOS: TechCrunchSamsung Profits Soar on Phones, Tablets; High Hopes for Galaxy S4: CIO
Judge rules that Motorola's patents aren't worth the $4 billion a year it demanded from Microsoft: Verge
Michael Shannon Reads the Insane Delta Gamma Sorority Letter: FunnyOrDie (NSFW)Remembering the Armenian Genocide: WZ
Shoot or Don't Shoot?: Ace
Image: Americans for Prosperity protests FAA furloughs and flight delays
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Get Ready for 2014: Support the Senate Conservatives Fund
QOTD: "The administration furloughed federal workers whose absences would cause the most pain to the public. ObamaCare officials, meanwhile, are still at work, though they should have been the first ones sent home.
In an effort to sour the public on the automatic cuts of sequestration, and try to get the voters to blame Republicans for the deal that was President Obama's idea, the administration has furloughed air traffic controllers — leading to more than 1,000 delays since the furloughs were implemented last weekend — and canceled White House tours, causing disruptions, inconvenience and frustration for the public." --Investors Business Daily
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