Tuesday, April 09, 2013

It turns out someone really does agree with Melissa Harris-Perry: our kids belong to the state

The peerless Investors Business Daily reminds us that at least one historical figure of note actually agrees with MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry, who recently opined that children belong not to parents, but to the state.

Collectivists throughout history have said that children do and should belong to the state and that if you control the children, you control the future.

One well-known collectivist echoed such sentiments when he said, "Let me control the textbooks and I will control the state. The state will take youth and give to youth its own education and its own upbringing. Your child belongs to us already... what are you?"

So said Adolf Hitler, who founded a sate-run youth group that bore his name.

Those who forget history, according to Santayana, are doomed to repeat it. If we fail to eject these collectivists from positions of power in rapid fashion, we are indeed doomed.


Anonymous said...

Melissa is a popular spelling of her name,but it's more accurately spelled,Mao-Lissa.This is the most attention she's gotten since her assignment to cable purgatory,msnbc.

K-Bob said...

Typo! (sate instead of state)