Tuesday, April 09, 2013

RED ALERT -- TAKE ACTION NOW: Mark Levin warns Senate will try to erase the Second Amendment on Thursday

The Right Scoop headlines its audio snippet: "Mark Levin goes NUCLEAR: An up and down vote on the 2nd amendment is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!":

Mark Levin says that on Thursday the Senate intends to vote to change the 2nd amendment without any pretense of going through the amendment process, on a bill that hasn’t even been written yet. He says that this isn’t republicanism, it’s democratic tyranny. And the senators arguing to filibuster are being demonized, but Levin says that an up and down vote on the 2nd amendment is unconstitutional, that there is no up and down vote on the Constitution.

Write your Representatives now. The Second Amendment isn't up for debate or modification. This lawlessness must end.

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