Wednesday, April 03, 2013

THE CAUSE OF NORTH KOREA'S BELLICOSITY? Two of Kim Jong-un's Attack Submarines are Missing

Wondering why North Korea, after decades of low-level trouble-making, has escalated its rhetoric to "Condition Red"?

Perhaps two missing attack subs might explain it.

Chosun TV is reporting that South Korean military have lost contact with two North Korean submarines that left their naval base in Hwanghae Province a few days ago.

There has obviously been a lot of changes between last week and now and South Korean military officials suggested that while maneuvers in February were nothing meaningful, now it is provocation.

The two 'torpedo' subs are small 130-ton, 30-meter, 10-man machines that can stay submerged for three-to-four days.

If the situation wasn't so dicey, it would be hilarious. The same Democrats who condemned missile defense for decades -- beginning with ridiculing Reagan's SDI as "Star Wars" -- are now scurrying around trying to find Patriot-style systems to keep their own skins safe.

Pathetic, unpatriotic pond-scum. Which is why the Democrat Party is not-so-fondly known as the Party of Weakness.


Jefferson Ohio said...

The Democrat regime vision of National defense reminds me of the sit-com "F Troop".

Anonymous said...

Quite the contrary. I understand NORK's saber rattling. They do it every year as their people are starving to death in the worst of the winter. What I do not understand is why we're rattling back. Why are we escalating this unlike how we've handled it in the past?! "Yeah, yeah. West bad. North Korea good. Next." Instead, this year it's "OMG!!!!" What has changed, if anything?

sulli159 said...

Oh, it this our bloviating-in-chief's Cuban missile crisis moment, so he can save America from this little piss ant.

Manufactured crisis? Just IMO

Anonymous said...

Think those subs can accommodate a nuke?