The definitive list:

24. "Iron" Mike Tyson
23. Ray "Boom Boom" Mancini
22. Mike "The Body Snatcher" McCallum
21. Andrew "Six Heads" Lewis
20. Larry “The Easton Assassin” Holmes
19. Donald "The Cobra" Curry
18. Zab “Super” Judah
17. Lew “The Living Death” Jenkins
16. Jake "Raging Bull" LaMotta
15. Evander "Real Deal" Holyfield
14. Ruben “Hurricane” Carter
13. Manny "The Destroyer" Pacquiao
12. "Smokin" Joe Frazier
11. Jack "The Manassa Mauler" Dempsey
10. Paul "The Punisher" Williams
9. James "Lights Out" Toney
8. Thomas "The Hit Man" Hearns
7. Arturo "Thunder" Gatti
6. John "The Beast" Mugabi
5. Ike "Bazooka" Quartey
4. James "Bonecrusher" Smith
3. Bernard "The Executioner" Hopkins
2. Roberto "Hands of Stone" Duran
1. "Sugar" Ray Robinson
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