Saturday, June 02, 2012

Unbelievable: Why You Should Never Donate a Penny to the Sierra Club, Nor Any Group That Supports It

The Sierra Club has gone "all-in" on the path to de-industrialize America; and I encourage you to spread the word to friends, family members and colleagues and help starve this radical front group of the cash it needs to advance its Statist agenda.

With the shale gas boom in full swing, gas prices are at 10-year lows. We have the realistic prospect of abundant domestic supplies of a clean-burning fuel for the foreseeable future, who doesn’t like natural gas?

Ask the Sierra Club. This week, the venerable environmental organization announced its “Beyond Natural Gas” initiative, to go along with their “Beyond Coal” and “Beyond Oil” campaigns. Of course, they hate nuclear energy too.

"Fossil fuels have no part in America’s energy future – coal, oil, and natural gas are literally poisoning us. The emergence of natural gas as a significant part of our energy mix is particularly frightening because it dangerously postpones investment in clean energy at a time when we should be doubling down on wind, solar and energy efficiency." -—Robin Mann, Sierra Club President

The Sierra Club has over a half-million members (down from 600,000) and an annual budget of $100 million. They are arguably the most influential environmental lobby in the country. People take them seriously, and politicians listen.

With their opposition to the fossil fuels and nukes, the Sierra Club takes 91% of our current energy sources off the table... And most of the remaining 9% they’re not too crazy about...

...See that little pink bar, way on the right? The Sierra Club loves that. Everything else, not so much. Not at all, in fact. And it’s even worse than that chart makes it appear — this is a graph of domestic sources. In addition to the 78 quads depicted here, we import another 20. And Geothermal has limited growth potential. So that little pink bar needs to grow from a value of 2, to 100.

Or more than 100, because the population is going to grow by 2050. And since wind and solar are not primary transportation sources, we’d need to generate even more to account for efficiency losses.

...Their plan is physically and economically impossible. They have a willfully foolish, craven and destructive agenda. They are not looking for solutions. They wish an end to our industrialized civilization. They wish us to return to mud huts....

There are responsible environmental organizations. It should be an embarrassment that anyone should give the Sierra Club a nickel...

...Point #1: Everyone is for energy efficiency, and it happens naturally due to economics and technical advances. But “energy efficiency” is a strategy to use existing fuels more efficiently, not replace them. That means the only technologies on the table are wind and solar. So that leads to …

...Point #2: This is not “doubling down”, it’s going “all in“. All in on a sucker’s bet. That’s because wind and solar would have to grow by a factor of 50 times their contribution in 2011. Not “grow by 50%” — 50 times. Even if we suddenly developed the will to do it, there’s not enough money/resources in the known universe to make it possible. And if we did it, what about the Chinese and the rest of the world? And what would be the environmental consequences of making the conversion?

And I'll follow the Sierra Club's agenda when their personnel and offices live what they preach. That is, they consume only the energy sources they endorse for their transportation, electricity, clothing and related needs.

Tell everyone you know: It's time to stop supporting the Sierra Club, before they spread their virulent, anti-American agenda even further.


BackwardsBoy said...

This organization, through their lawyers, currently control our national energy policy, despite being unelected. We handed them the authority when we passed the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts.


sTevo said...

I saw these same charts on a webinar about nuclear power a couple of days ago.

K-Bob said...

Yes, let's burn more trees instead of clean, energy efficient, natural gas.

I'm sure we can start our wood fires with some solar device, if it makes the Sierra Club happy.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the Oil Lobby is trying to get rid of their competition.

Sam L. said...

I'm with K-Bob--Trees are not fossil fuel, and I got that '70s vibe right here: Split Wood, Not Atoms.

PacRim Jim said...

Sierra Club is dead to me, and I'm an old Sierra backpacker.

Anonymous said...

I have left numerous comments on The sierra club facebook page via messaging. I refuse to write anything on their actually facebook page for fear of being struck down with hatred by these people. They are off the grid.