Friday, April 12, 2013

RED ALERT TRANSCRIPT: Mark Levin Says a Powerful Republican (*cough* John Boehner *cough*) is Trying to Silence Him

Biff Spackle emails the following transcript of Mark Levin's opening monologue tonight. Levin didn't name Boehner specifically, but only the Speaker is responsible for committee assignments.

Well, it's come to my attention that there's a Republican Congressman out there who doesn't like what I've been saying.

It's come to my attention that there's a Republican Congressman out there, a fairly powerful one, who doesn't like what I've been saying about him.

And you know what this Republican congressman wants to do about it...?

He wants our major affiliate in his district to remove this show.

This Republican Congressman who's fairly powerful is sliming around in the background, in the shadows, trying to get my show removed from one of the major radio stations in his district.

You know what they call that? They call that "fascism".

If that Republican Congressman succeeds, I will expose him on national radio. And I will go to his office with a microphone and I will shove it in his face and we'll have a discussion. You know who you are and I know who you are.

Now you may treat freshman members this way, you may treat conservative, Tea Party congressmen this way, taking them off committees, drying up their fund-raising, but you're not going to treat me this way.

I'm not a part of the club. I don't report to you.

But I'll be damned if I let any hack politician, whatever party, conduct themselves in this way and they think it doesn't get back to me. Oh, it all gets back to me. All of it.

Got that, tough guy? I just want you to be aware of this.

Can you believe this, ladies and gentlemen? If these one of these jerks is that brazen with someone who isn't junior to them in the house, how do you think they treat conservatives who don't go along?

I'm telling you: we have a real mob problem on Capitol Hill. And many of these Republicans are as deceitful and power-hungry and pathetic as their Democrat counterparts. These are not "good government" people. Anyways, a fairly powerful Republican.

But I'm not going to put up with fascism on my watch. No way. And you see, Congressman: you may not be up on new technology, but you're never going to be able to silence me. Ever. In your district or anywhere else. Because there are ways around: whether it's satellite, or the Mark Levin app, or the iHeartRadio app, but that station isn't going to do a thing about it, Congressman. Nothing.

I'd hate to sue him, too. Tortious interference with my living -- if you're going around acting like Al Capone, not as tough as Capone, but sliming around in the shadows -- that's not protected by the debate clause in the Constitution, Congressman.

You're too stupid to know that, I'm just letting you know. It's you against me in civil court... just letting you know. Stop trying to put the shoulder on my people, trying to get my show stopped in your district.

You figure the Democrats and the Left get this low, but this is just remarkable. Absolutely remarkable. I hate to say it, but I'm not surprised. I'm really not.

Update: Levin posted that it's not Boehner, but I will leave this story's headline as it is. The Speaker of the House controls all committee assignments and if Eric Cantor or Whatever-his-name McCarthy are the perps, Boehner's still pulling the strings.

Here's a political warning, John-John: you violate the Hastert Rule on guns or immigration or any other damn piece of the Constitution, you're going to see a political backlash the likes of which you can't imagine

Visit the Mark Levin Show website for more information.


Reliapundit said...


Jefferson Ohio said...

Mr. Boehner (aka Judas the Apostle) is in a downfall. He's been in office so long, I suspect he has lost most conception of the real world. The trinkets with glitter Obama has pushed his way, seem to be entertaining the Speaker of the House.

Anonymous said...

Isn't there ANY Republican in Bonehead's district that could primary him? He needs to feel the wrath VERY close to home...

Anonymous said...

I don't care who it is, they need to be taken out! ( of office).

Sara Noble said...

I didn't think it was Boehner. McCain and Graham aren't into that. Cantor is a possibility. I hope it's not someone I can stand.

Levin really needs to tell us because this man is opposing free speech. We just can't have this.

Sara Noble said...

He said it was someone who kicked conservatives off committees. That limits the list of RINOs.

timb said...

Does he have a names of 250 Communists in the State Dept too? Man, you people are hoodwinked by this grifter on a daily basis.

Here's a hint, hold him in as much contempt as he holds you and then ignore his disgusting comments. Life will be better if you learn to ignore con artists.