12/24/2008 19:53 EST Bumped and updated with new graphs
Chart o' the Day provides this illustration of inflation-adjusted home prices:

The purple and red segments delimit the "massive accounting scandals" at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored entities (GSEs) that played a crucial role in packaging subprime mortgages. Fannie and Freddie executives were pushing as many subprime instruments through the system as possible in order to maximize bonus payments.

A few well-connected Democrats including Franklin Raines, Jim Johnson and Jamie Gorelick -- all of whom were former Clinton administration officials -- received payments totaling as much as $200 million for six years of work leading the GSEs.

In May of 2006 the SEC and other regulators arrived at settlements with Fannie and Freddie for their fraudulent activities. And the bad news kept coming through 2007 and the first quarter of 2008.

Insurance giant AIG, for example, held $600 million in GSE stock. In total, financial institutions held as much as $5 billion in the GSEs. When the stock values of the GSEs melted down, so too did the capital base used for calculating the financial strength of banks and other institutions.
In short, when the initial dominoes fell -- Fannie and Freddie -- the rest of the system began to crumble.
The charts provide ample evidence of the tragic errors associated with attempts to "social engineer" the free market system. As citizens it is our duty to prevent government from engineering more debacles related solely to central planning. We know that central planning does not work: the Soviet Union and the Community Reinvestment Act offer stark evidence.
Instead, we would be well served to advocate cutting taxes for corporations and individuals; and forcing government itself to down-size. Now there's a radical idea.
Update: The revisionists at The New York Times blame the meltdown on -- wait for it -- George W. Bush.
Update II: Commenter Unquiet asks "...one question I always have with trend charts and corrolation with events - causation? Not to ask you to shoot holes in your own argument but, if you were on the other side, what other events than those you propose could be considered alternative causes for the trends charted?"
There are obviously many, many variables involved. Several that we might examine:

Update III: The Timeline (YouTube).
Washington Post: Six Years of 'Extensive Fraud' at Fannie Mae
Walter Williams: Subprime Bailout
Community Reinvestment Act: Obamonopoly
Linked by:
Patterico and The Artful Dodger. Thanks!
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