Rod Blagojevich and I are pleased to announce our endorsements for the 2008 Weblog Awards.

Best Blog: Hot Air
Best Individual Blogger: Jules Crittenden and The Anchoress
Best Humor Blog: Mother May I Sleep With Treacher and IMAO
Best Comic Strip: Day by Day and Dilbert
Best Conservative Blog: Little Green Footballs, Michelle Malkin, Ace of Spades, Power Line, American Thinker and Atlas Shrugs
Best Political Coverage: American Thinker and Townhall
Best Technology Blog: Ars Technica and TechCrunch
Best Military Blog: Michael Yon and Blackfive
Best Law Blog: Volokh Conspiracy and WSJ Law Blog
Best LGBT Blog: Gay Patriot
Best Photo Blog: Snapped Shot
Best Culture Blog: SondraK
Best Gossip Blog Perez Hilton, TMZ
Best Video Blog: DemoCast TV
Best Middle East/Africa Blog: Michael J. Totten, Elder of Ziyon, IsraellyCool
Best Australia or New Zealand Blog: Tim Blair
Best Major Blog: Instapundit
Best Very Large Blog: Right Wing News, Patterico, Protein Wisdom
Best Large Blog: Jammie Wearing Fool, Sister Toldjah
Best Midsize Blog: Zomblog, Betsy's Page, Israel Matzav
Best Small Blog: Exurban League
Best Up and Coming Blog: McClatchy Watch, Daled Amos, Sundries Shack
We didn't make it this year because (a) we suck; and (b) we just surpassed the 500+ Technorati authority level, which barely pushed us into the Very Large Blog category. And we really, really, really suck compared to the other Very Large Blogs.
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