Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Google Trends: Rick Santorum Searches Explode

Someone alert the IPCC: here's a real hockey-stick graph. The latest Google Trends data shows an astonishing jump in searches for Rick Santorum (who, by the way, would make an excellent, excellent Republican candidate for president).

Santorum is a true Constitutional conservative and has the track record to prove it. And it appears he is quite close to winning the Iowa Caucuses.

If you can afford it, I would encourage you to support Santorum's campaign any way you can. It's time we elected a principled conservative -- in the mold of Ronald Reagan -- as opposed to a Beltway RINO.

There's nothing that would piss off the establishment GOP more, which tells me it's the right thing to do.

Update: Robert Stacy McCain has running updates on the Iowa Caucus.

1 comment:

A Conservative Teacher said...

You're hiding the "Middle Senate Period" in your graph, where people searched for Santorum in the middle ages. Hiding this to distort the reality and make it seem as if Santorum is surging due to human activity is a typical liberal ploy.

Ha ha ha...