
The Benghazi Talking Points: Hayes
Mike Vanderboegh And The III Percenters: OathKeepers
Kansas to Holder: Stick It: NewAm
Did Boston Bombing kill immigration “reform”?: LI
Kansas To Eric Holder: Perform Anatomically Impossible Act: Denninger
Hillary's Flack Has Hands All Over Benghazi Deception: Ace
Children Denied Privacy in Bathrooms: MB
Administration Doctored Benghazi Talking Points Weeks Before Election: DailyMail
White House for Sale? Obama Puts Bundlers in Top Posts: DossierThe Latest Broken Promises of Obamacare: Ribali
Dicks Sporting Goods Getting Paid Back in Spades: Extrano's
Unemployment Report: Dismal: Mish
Will JPMorgan's "Enron" Be The End Of Blythe Masters?: ZH
Forget Unemployment: Alarming Stat Is Number of 'Missing Workers': NatlJrnl
Scandal Central
POTUS Releasing Illegal Aliens While Decrying “Broken Immigration System”: CoveObama blames America for drug violence in Mexico, cites GUN SMUGGLING as part of the problem: Scoop
How Obama Obstructs Justice in the Search for a Communist Terrorist: AIM
Climate & Energy
New Climate Deniers Blame Snow On, Yup, Global Warming: STACLUThe human costs of Obama’s war on coal: DC
NBC's Curry: U.S. to Blame for 'Toxic Legacy' of Oil Drilling in the Amazon: NB
Cultural Marxism: "Any Race but Caucasian" ...: Stop ShoutingObama Blows His Racially Divisive Hispanic “Dog Whistle”: Shark Tank
Piers Morgan believes he has the smoking gun on why AK-47s should be banned: Scoop
State Department: Benghazi Whistleblower Attorney Is Lying: Breitbart
The Left Hates Howard Kurtz, Which Doesn’t Mean We Should Love Him, But …: RSM
Bad News for Crazy Joe Biden: Ted Cruz Challenges Him to a Debate on Gun Control: TPNN
Israeli Air Strikes Reported As Both Rebels and Hezbollah Close In on Syria’s Chemical Weapons: The TowerThe REAL George Soros: An evil, despicable excuse for a human being: Blogmocracy
Awful… Obama Blames US For Drug Violence in Mexico… While in Mexico: GWP
Power of social media: Second Twitter rally aims to #StopCommonCore; Updated with resources: TwitchyReward Doubled to $2M for N.J. Trooper's Killer: PoliceMag
DoD clarifies faith-sharing policy: ArmyTimes
Image: No Matter How Hard I Try, I Can’t Keep Up
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Help Stop Common Core in Your Community!
QOTD: "The [Camp Bastion] attack only occurred because of an egregious failure in basic infantry practices. The enemy may have been lucky to exploit these failures, but neglect was the precondition that set the stages for this attack. Intelligence analysts should not have to issue a warning of an impending frontal assault on a major military base for the base to be prepared.
There is an appalling lack of accountability and introspection that is evident in Maj. Gen. Gurganus’ comments about this incident. It is painfully obvious that this attack would not have been successful, or likely even attempted, if not for multiple security failures at Leatherneck/Bastion. This single episode highlights a much larger problem of accountability in the Marine Corps. It is nearly impossible to get fired for incompetence.
We need to stop treating the Marine Corps like a teachers union and demand excellence and accountability from our officer corps." --Retired Marine officer Nick Francona
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