Teetering on Complete Collapse: Organized Exploitation
Aboard Air Force One: The Anchoress
My bi-bartisan stimulus: WSJ (Rush Limbaugh)
New anti-Limbaugh attack ad to air: Radio Equalizer
Olbermann bloviates his way to ratings oblivion: Age of Pericles
Nationalized Health Care arrives via "Stimulus" Porkfest: Hot Air
Britain awakens: Ace o' Spades
Change! Obama sends $20 Million to Hamas: JWF
Voter Identification Laws Were a Success in November: WSJ
Geithner as good as his job as he is at taxes: Hot Air
Surprise! Daschle a tax cheat: JWF
EU: "We are on the road to serious social instability": London Times
It takes a proverb to run a village: Iowahawk
1.3 million crippled by strange, translucent global warming: Yahoo!
Krauthammer Drives over Obama's Inane Arguments, Then Backs Truck Up And Does It Again: Krauthammer
I'm starting to feel the love in DC: DPGI
Obama doesn't post bill before signing into law, as promised: Computerworld
Former USS Cole commander slams Obama on Guantanamo: McClatchy DC:
The former commander of the USS Cole, the American war ship that was struck by a suicide boat in Yemeni waters more than eight years ago, on Thursday slammed President Barack Obama's orders to close the Guantanamo detention center and reassess the prisoners being held there.
''We shouldn't make policy decisions based on human rights and legal advocacy groups,'' retired U.S. Navy Cmdr. Kurt Lippold said in a telephone interview. "We should consider what is best for the American people, which is not to jeopardize those who are fighting the war on terror — or even more adversely impact the families who have already suffered loses as a result of the war."
Lippold was responding to the decision by a U.S. military judge in Guantanamo to reject a request by Pentagon lawyers to delay next week's scheduled arraignment of Abd el Rahim al Nashiri, a Saudi Arabian who's charged with helping orchestrate the October 2000 suicide bombing of the Cole. The bombing killed 17 U.S. sailors.
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