Remember how the media claimed there was a new race called "White Hispanics", a term invented "by The New York Times to describe Zimmerman, apparently in some kind of push for a white vs. Black narrative"?
Good times.
Well, the media is at it again, this time photoshopping the Black Jihadist Oregon shooter -- whose name, if memory serves, was Abdul Bin Scumbag -- to make him appear white:
Gee, if this keeps up, I would recommend that all of the mainstream media's output during the Obama years be used as a textbook on political propaganda.
Hat tip: BadBlue News.
Doug, caution, may be bogus. Consider pulling this.... Sundance over at CT hasn't been able to verify that CNN had anything to do with this....
How about a link to the CNN image?
Winter is Coming.
Really?? You deleted my comment??
Nope, not deleted. Google's algorithm somehow categorized the comment as spam. I pulled it out of the spam folder.
Thanx Doug....
Wow, they employee the same techniques that the CMP did?
only thing wrong with this article is the simple minded remark about "white hispanics " ! yeah dude ! there is such a thing , there are also asian , black , and native american hispanics . hispanic is not a race , all the term means is that their ancestors once lived under spanish rule . filipinos are considered to be hispanic , as was a puertorican friend of mine , she has red hair , green eyes ,pale skin ,and freckles . but her father was spanish and aztec , and her mother irish and german , being born in puertorico makes her hispanic ! use your head for more than just a place to grow hair ! as for the shooter , just another mixed breed mongrel like barack obama , and more or less an atheist , who like most atheists had a hard on for christianity ! it`s the only religion they bitch about !
Does anyone have the CNN article with this picture? I would like some more proof of this being from CNN.
Last time I looked Pizza lady, CNN was a tv network.
Love the nose and lip work. Also notice how quickly the media killed this story and how broken up Obama was regarding the killing of Christians by someone who looks like his son.
Guess we can ban the black power flag and IRA banners now.
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