Monday, August 04, 2008

My new bumper sticker

Update: Investors Business Daily:

The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., now says he can live with "limited" drilling. But listen closely at what he said in his energy speech in Lansing, Mich., on Monday:

He called the inclusion of "a limited amount of new offshore drilling" in new bipartisan legislation a "drawback," adding that "I still don't believe that's a particularly meaningful short-term or long-term solution." But he said "I am willing to consider it if it's necessary to actually pass a comprehensive plan."

"Consider" should not be reported as "support," as the media have done. Moreover, Obama also wants a windfall profit tax — certain to exacerbate high fuel prices by lessening domestic production, as it did under Jimmy Carter.

And I have yet to hear someone define what a "windfall" profit is.

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