Description | Jobs Destroyed | Source |
Delaying the Keystone XL Pipeline until after the 2012 election | 20,000 | LA Times |
Forcing lignite coal plants in Texas to close (EPA) | 14,000 | Heritage |
Gulf Drilling Moratorium (Interior) | 72,000 | LA Times |
EPA's Cross-State Air Pollution Rule | 1,440,000 | Daily Caller |
EPA's determination that coal ash is a "hazardous waste" | 250,000 | Western Caucus |
EPA's shutdown of AEP plants | 5,000 | CAPPS Online |
EPA's commercial and industrial boiler regulations | 800,000 | Clatskanie Chief |
Interior Department's protection of lizards and smelt fish | 75,000 | Human Events |
Jobs killed by the Obama environmental machine | 2,676,000 |
That's nearly 3,000,000 jobs that President Obama's policies will have un-saved and un-created. Middle-class jobs. Blue-collar and white-collar jobs. Trucking jobs, manufacturing jobs, union jobs.
Liberals, drones, progressives and other anti-American malcontents would be hard-pressed to prove that this President isn't intentionally trying to establish a permanent underclass, whose subsistence is dependent upon the largesse of the federal government.
Because every action this president seems to tack seems to prove that the destruction of the middle class is among his chief goals.
And, further: President Obama is 'historic' only in the sense that he is the most effective job destroyer ever.
"I will not rest until every American has a good job." - Pres. Obama
This is true..., but he will play a lot of golf.
i believe the CBO estimated around 800,000 jobs lost to Obamacare.
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