
C-SPAN asks SCOTUS to open Obamacare arguments to cameras: Malkin
Perry argues for cutting government, hits nerve: Pundette
Bullet Hits White House Window: Powers
Is That a Threat?: Spew
Obama nominee favors rationing health care: WklyStd
Supreme Ironies: Obamacare and the Court: PJM
CAIR uses DOJ to shake down MN school district: Creeping
Obama Thrown Softballs in Hawaii Presser: Dossier
Poverty Data Used To Justify Political Greed: WilliamsProtester threatens Macy's with Molotov Cocktail: VS
Obama's children sent home to Mama: Boortz
Rhode Island: the Meltdown Continues: Mead
Visa's Happenstance IPO Coincidentally Benefited Pelosi: Ace
The Post Office Is Doomed: Atlantic Wire
Gunrunner & Energygate
Robert Kennedy, Jr.’s ‘Green’ Company Scored $1.4 Billion Taxpayer Bailout: BigGovObama’s Half-Billion-Dollar Crony Drug Deal: Malkin
Politico Runs Story on Pelosi's Political Acumen: "Nancy Pelosi Still Has The Golden Touch": Ace
SSI Exclusive: They knew. Everybody knew. This one email proves it.: SSI
Eric Holder Manipulated Mainstream Media to Taint Fast/Furious Investigation: Lid
Penn State vs. Gunwalker: Warped Priorities?: Owens
Climate & Energy
Chevy Volts Are, it Appears, Bursting into Flames: BigGovEPA using ‘press release science’ to justify regulations, congressmen say: DC
Erratic, extreme, press release puts Princeton climate science in a new light: Watts
Diane Sawyer Again Links Tea Party And Sarah Palin to Rep. Giffords’ Shooting: BigJBreitbart's Big House: Slate
Where I’ve been, and how Newt’s coming: Kimball
A Revolving Door Of Media Bias: IBD
Liberals On Government Healthcare Then And Now: Glob
Obama Thinks Hawaii Is in Asia (Video): GWP
Europe's Next Crisis: Beyond Finance: StratforA Moat Too Far: Steyn
Report: Chinese Banking System Nearly Bankrupt: Mish
Will North Korea Collapse?: PJM
Poll: Troops Losing Confidence in Obama Commander-in-Chief: BigPeace
Obama’s Favorite Middle East Leader: Anti-American Radical Who Loathes America and Israel: BRubin
Having Solved All Other Legal Matters, DOJ Focuses on Your Profile: AllAmWalt Mossberg Reviews Kindle Fire, Amazon's Color Tablet: WSJ
Verizon Wireless presses its 4G LTE edge into new markets: CNet
NBA Should Have Learned From MLB: ChronAssistant coach went to police, helped stop assault, e-mail says: CNN
MMM MMM MMM: iOwnTheWorld
Image: Weasel Zippers
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Senate Conservatives Fund
QOTD: "I asked the CBO to model the economy going forward under so much debt. Beyond 2029, the computer models used by CBO crash because they can’t conceive of any way the U.S. economy can continue under such a massive debt burden." --Rep. Paul Ryan
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