
Dear Average American: It’s All Your Fault : NRO
Sherrod Brown (D-OH): the most liberal member of the Senate: BigGov
Once They Own Your Kids, What’s Left?: NoisyRm
Leading senators: Kagan may have to recuse: Times
Democrat Congressman Charged With Child Sex Abuse: RightPer
Defense Spending Dwindles Under Obama: Foundry
Cigarettes for Signatures at #OccupyMilwaukee: GWP
Ron Paul: ‘Flawed’ US policies led to 9/11: Hill
Fannie, Freddie CEOs are scandalous, not Gingrich: PJMWasted Away In Obamaville: HayRide
There Are Bonuses, And There Are Bonuses: Wizbang
Could Ohio Become a Right-to-Work State?: Blumer
Which one of these Obama tax hikes will destroy the most jobs?: ATR
NLRB to Consider Speedier Union Votes: WSJ
California Ballot Boondoggle Sends Tax Dollars Out of State: RWN
Occupy a $700/night hotel room: ProWis
The cause of the crisis (and how to prevent the next one): Hayek
Gunrunner & Energygate
Waxman: Throwing Taxpayer Money Down Crapper Will Save Us From Fires, Droughts and Floods: PowersWashington conducts public business for private gain: Exam
Did agents in Texas let guns 'walk' into Mexico?: Chron
Climate & Energy
Settled?: MeadJames Hansen and the Corruption of Science: Power Line
Warmists Now Say AGW Will Cause Less US Mainland Hurricane Strikes: RWN
State-Run Radio's Nina Totenberg: There Was Nothing Political About Obama Giving Solyndra Money: NBDavid Brooks: ‘Welcome Greece. We are going to be Greece’: DC
NASCAR Crowd Boos Michelle Obama: Breitbart
When you’ve lost Shepard Fairey, you’ve lost America: NakedDC
Michael Moore Goes The Full Wingnut On President Obama Over Occupy ‘Crackdown’: Mediaite
The 10 Commandments Of Liberalism: Looking Spoon
Four Things You Need to Know about Venezuela: PJMDurban III promotes what it claims to be fighting: Bayefsky
Christian Cross Is Seen as the ‘Mark of the Beast’ by Islamists: Yon
Home-Grown Jihad, Episode #253: GoV
The Run On Europe Begins, As Global Investors Head For The Hills: Blodget
Occupy Tokyo: Mass demonstrations go unreported by Japanese media: SOTT
How the Muslim Brotherhood Censors Federal Counterterrorism Training: BigPeace
University of California President Protects OWSers But Not Jews: Kesler
Israel Warns: Our Patience Is Wearing Thin, The “Time Has Come” To Deal With Iran: WZ

Which tablet is right for you?: Digital Trends
The Rootkit Of All Evil – CIQ: XDA Developers
This Week in Automotivators: RWNIf POTUS Gets Eaten By a Crocodile in the Outback...: Powers
11 Sounds That Your Kids Have Probably Never Heard: MentalFloss
Image: "NYC Arrests 'Lone Wolf' Terrorist Building Pipe Bombs"
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: the 99% Win
QOTD: "It's true. Corzine, Joe Biden's pal and Obama crony, as taken something like $600M of his client's money and spent it on... magic beans, I guess. Or hookers. Whatever.
But don't look now, Herman Cain hit on a white's woman!
Lookit, MF Global's mini-Madoff may or may not have destroyed the whole financial system. I would bet it didn't. But what it did was expose, yet again, that nothing happens on Wall Street that's stopped by federal regulators, unless there's a political motive behind it. Rule of law, we hardly knew ya. Madoff? Fine! MF? Totally cool! But when Client Number 9 starts to have some success in shutting down bad operations... They couldn't find Madoff's $50 billion, but they could trace one $5,000 transaction for a sweet hooker? Really, SEC? Really??" --Open Blogger @ Ace o' Spades
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