
A Brutally Honest Evaluation of the GOP Field: RWN
Gun rights or states' right: Hot Air
Why I Support Newt Gingrich: LI
Another Look at Newt: Times
Budget Chicanery Has Already Doomed the Super Committee: PJM
Obama pal Buffett helped shape bailout rules; then profited: BigGovCali to Business: Get Out!: Malanga
City Braces for March on Financial District: Post
Oops! "Another ObamaCare Glitch": ProWis
Detroit May Run Out of Cash Next Month: Mish
Good News: We Won't Lose $14.3B on Auto Bailout...: LessGov
What #OWS Really Proved: TAB
Rape and the Occupation: Sultan Knish
Just Like the Tea Party: A List of Occupy Mayhem: VS
Gunrunner & Energygate
Chu on Solyndra hot seat today in Congress: ExamAnother Obama Scandal In the Making: Power Line
Chu, the DOE and new Solyndra skulduggery emerge: Hot Air
Climate & Energy
Captain Communist Helps Out the Little Guy Once Again: VirtRepMedia
Right journos must test conservative candidates: FreddosoPenn State: the Banality of Collaborative Evil: RWN
Some speech is more equal than others: ProWis
Former SEAL stands by account of bin Laden raid, says administration out to get him: DC
Occupy has lost Jon Stewart: Exam
Stunning Silence From the White House on GSE Bonuses: Hot Air
Why does America defend the weak and small?: HansonOn waterboarding: Let’s stick to the facts: Thiessen
Probe: Obama Admin Broke Law to Push Abortion in Kenya: LifeNews
To Save the Euro We Must Destroy Germany: Mish
The Christians of Egypt, Part I: PJM
Spanish 10-Year Bond Yield Hits Euro-Era Record 6.61%, Italian 10-Year Yield at 7.04%: Mish
Massive lakes could lie beneath Jupiter moon: smhFacebook Slammed by Porn Attack: WSJ
Android 4.0 arrives as Galaxy Nexus goes on sale: CNet
Insider Trading for Insiders: That’s Not You: MOTUSWhile Visiting Australia, Obama Bows to Nobody in Particular: JWF
A crushing loss for Woods, a lead for Americans: MyWay
Image: The People's Cube, via American Digest
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Ted Cruz for U.S. Senate
QOTD: "Too sad for commentary, but here is some math: total US debt has increased by 41.5%, or $4.4 trillion, from $10,626,877,048,913 on January 20, to $15,033,607,255,920, under Obama as president." --Tyler Durden
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