
Gingrich and Immigration: Sowell
Cain Issues Statement on Alleged Affair: Ace
Bye, Bye Berwick: Asterisk of history falls on his socialist sword: Wolf
What Else Is Wrong With Obamacare?: PJM
After Request for Refund, Richmond Will Audit Tea Party Group: VS
Occupy The Plantation? Blacks Shun OWS: Mead
A Quick Look at the GOP Field: DLim
A preview of how DNC will attack Romney: Ace
Labor board broke federal law on Boeing suit: Exam'The New Tammany Hall' : WSJ
Black Friday Boom Masks Physical Retailers’ Desperation: Gross
Cut or Tax? Are You an Adult or a Child?: Klavan
Fitch issues U.S. credit rating warning: Exam
Upcoming Rationing of Neurosurgery Services?: Hsieh
Our Spending Problem: WS
What’s $7.77 Trillion Among Friends: Mises
By Today’s Standards, JFK Was A Tax-Cutting Supply-Sider: IBD
Climate & Energy
Scientists in Revolt against Global Warming: ATClimategate 2.0: New batch of leaked emails again shows leading scientists trying to smear opponents: WSJ
Don't let Big Green stymie boom in energy jobs: Exam
The Chevy Volt: Detroit’s Hottest Car: Huston
Study: Most Extreme, Eye-Catching "Predictions" About Global Warming Are "Implausible": Ace
The problems with emissions trading: Nature
Trib Endorses Obama for President – Want a Mulligan Yet?: ILP2PThe Simpletons: David Brooks, Thomas L. Friedman, and the banal authoritarianism of punditry: Reason
Did you miss the Thanksgiving White House visitor log document dump?: Malkin
Thomas Edsall In the NYT: Obama Will Explicitly Abandon Working Class White Vote: Ace
Bloomberg reports Paulson Tipped Off Hedge Funds on Fannie Mae: Mish
AP Reporter’s Item on Israel Reads Like a Leftist Political Stump Speech: BizzyBlog
What Has Barack Obama Wrought? Some Recent Writers Contemplate the Issue: Radosh
Washington Post Blogger Asks for Dirt About Newt Gingrich on Twitter: NB
Conservative college students battle liberal academia with new website: DC
Who's Blowing Up Iran?: LedeenStonewall: Napolitano, DHS Still Silent on Mohamed Elibiary: Poole
Silent Running – The Targeting of Americans: NoisyRm
No love in an Obama second term: Baehr
What's Next For Egypt?: BRubin
Having Solved America’s Deficit Nightmare, Obama Says U.S. Ready to Help Solve Eurozone Debt Crisis: WZ
EU CRISIS ROAD MAP: Key Milestones Ahead: Dow Jones
Chile Social Security Reform A Hot Topic In 2012 Campaign: IBD
The price for failing to call things by their proper names: Blogmocracy
MinuteKey, The Key-Cutting Vending Machine: WiredEx-Windows Phone manager Joe Marini finds himself at home with Google: Engadget
New Java Attack Rolled Into Exploit Kits: Krebs
The Sketchbook of Susan Kare, the Artist Who Gave Computing a Human Face: NeuroTribesThe 5 Best Toys of All Time: Wired
How To Disappear Completely - Live Off The Grid: TAB
Image: Wired
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Wisconsin Recall Election: Help Save Scott Walker
QOTD: "I have yet to be convinced that the European Council is capable of reaching such a substantive agreement given its past record. Of course, it will agree on something and sell it as a comprehensive package. It always does. But the halt-life of these fake packages has been getting shorter. After the last summit, the financial markets’ enthusiasm over the ludicrous idea of a leveraged EFSF evaporated after less than 48 hours.
Italy’s disastrous bond auction on Friday tells us time is running out. The eurozone has 10 days at most." --Wolfgang Münchau, Financial Times
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