
Weiner's Ethics Problem: NRO
Expel Weiner If He Won't Leave Congress: IBD
Not So Fast With That Waiver Wand, Frau Sebelius: Babalu
A Teleconference With RNC Chairman Reince Priebus: RWN
Weinergate reminds us not to give these clowns more power: Exam
What Can You Say At This Point? : Power Line
Pawlenty Aims at a New Reagan Coalition: Commentary
Herman Cain pledges to cut bills down to three pages or less: DC
Obama Economy Hits Young People the Hardest: ATRJesse Jackson Wants to End the War on Drugs: Reason
New York State's Shame: Malkin
Obama On Jobs: "We Don’t Know Yet What Happened": Hayward
Prudently-Managed Banks Pillaged by Big Government Dems: Mish
More People Using 401(K) Funds As Piggy Banks: Consumerist
Great: a Federal LGBT Youth Summit: RWN
Report: How Delta supports the troops... with excessive bag fees: Malkin
As SoCal Braces for Big Grocery Strike, UFCW Urges Shoppers to Respect Picket Lines: RS
Climate & Energy
Government Motors Wants Higher Gas Taxes: HaywardCompound Interest On AGW Stupidity: CBullitt
The Great Global Warming Hoax?: Middlebury
Sarah Palin on a Dais: InnominatusWaPo Fact Checker Obliterates Obama Bailout Claims: WZ
MSNBC: (2004) – Natural Disasters Create Jobs, (2011) – Natural Disasters Wipe Out Jobs: BigJournalism
Progressives Take Aim at Bush Tax Cuts: AmPower
Andrew Breitbart Catches Another One: Bruce
Michele Bachmann's First Big Mistake - Hiring Ed Rollins: LegalIns
Behold the Face of the Modern Left: NRO
Let Them Eat Cake! Tonight’s White House Dinner Menu: WZ
Rush to Democrats: Obama’s gonna drag you down: TRS
Direct Comparison: Gennette C’s Statement and Weiner’s Cover Up Advice: VS
White House/Obama email information collection — it’s getting weird: RWN
Blago on the stand: Incredible!: Trib
American Mosques: Jihad’s Incubators: BigPeaceUK: 40 universities are breeding grounds for Islamic terror: Creeping
The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire: SDA
Egypt Officially Declares Muslim Brotherhood A Legal Political Group: WZ
Feds accuse (illegal alien?) gang of targeting blacks in Calif city: AP
Policeman jailed for using Mugabe's toilet: GlobPost
Apple Has Finally Stuck A Dagger Into SMS. I Love It.: TechCrunchComplaint to FCC: Verizon mustn't bar 4G tethering: CNet
Still-frail Jobs appears to hail Apple's latest: Yahoo!
Weinermandius: IowaHawkToday in History: The Call For Independence: Foundry
I Have a Right to Affordable Health Care…and a Sig Sauer P229: AllAm
Image: Search for IN student reminiscent of 2000 case
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Help us find Lauren Spierer
QOTD: "Nemesis is always hot on the trail of hubris, across time and space, and the goddess has been particularly busy in destroying the carefully crafted images of Bono, John Edwards, Timothy Geithner, Al Gore, Eliot Spitzer, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Anthony Weiner, and a host of others. What do their tax hypocrisies, sexual indulgences, and aristocratic socialist lifestyles all have in common?
Collectively, they represent a self-appointed or elected global elite that oversees, lectures about — in sanctimonious fashion — the ethical responsibilities of the redistributive state." --Victor Davis Hanson
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