Talk of President Obama's DREAM Act-by-fiat is reportedly driving the numbers of illegal immigrants up.

Thousands of undocumented aliens pour over the border every day, unchecked and uncontrolled. They don't have to undergo a virtual colonoscopy at a TSA checkpoint, but you do.

No groping. No full-body scanners. No customs. No criminal background checks.

No terrorist watch lists.

No screening for infectious diseases.

No checks for weapons.

No checks for narcotics or illegal drugs.

Who are these people?

No one knows.

On March 27th, 2010, Arizona rancher Rob Krentz was brutally murdered on his own property by an illegal alien.

Today, Phoenix is the kidnapping capital of the world.

Of 75,000 violent and property crimes in 2009, only 18% were 'cleared' (solved).

Of 8,732 violent crimes in '09, only 2,921 arrests were made.

Of the 522 rapes that year, only 72 arrests were made.

Less than half of the murders that year were cleared.

This is not an indictment of the police. This is an indictment of a federal open borders policy that endangers citizens.

An illegal who commits a crime, like Rob Krentz' murderer, can easily disappear back into Mexico.

You can't board a plane or a cruise ship without copious documentation and a virtual strip search.

Someday soon, if it hasn't happened already, terrorists bent on destruction will enter the country through the swinging doors in the Southwest.

Millions of pounds of drugs pass through the porous border every year.

It's only a matter of time until chem-, bio- or radiological weapons make their way to our cities through similar means. In the mean time, you're the one who has to be strip-searched.
A friend from overseas talked about moving here soon, I told him to not fly into Los Angeles but to go to Mexico instead and walk across. That way he will be sure to get all the welfare and perks of an illegal, and never have to face up to any consequences of any sort.
There is an easier way.
I just shout "Allahu Akhbar" several times as I approach the groping area.
The TSA then transports me to my connecting gate quickly and efficiently; as if I were Obama.
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