Sunday, July 06, 2014

LA Times: Drug Cartels and Obama Administration Actively Collaborating to Profit from Illegal Immigration

When even The Los Angeles Times dares to speak truth to power, you know things have gotten completely out of control. Such is the situation on our southern border, where tens or hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants have swarmed into our country seeking an "Obama Amnesty".

And the interests of Mexico's powerful drug cartels and the White House are aligned in this endeavor. For the former, the motivation is cash. And for the Obama administration, the reward is the promise of votes in the form of a veritable panoply of new Democrat voters, largely uneducated, dependent upon the state for subsistence, and completely unfamiliar with America's history, culture, and traditions.

Brian Bennett reports.

President Obama and his aides have repeatedly sought to dispel the rumors driving thousands of children and teens from Central America to cross the U.S. border each month with the expectation they will be given a permiso and allowed to stay.

But under the Obama administration, those reports have proved increasingly true.

The number of immigrants under 18 who were deported or turned away at ports of entry fell from 8,143 in 2008, the last year of the George W. Bush administration, to 1,669 last year, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement data released under a Freedom of Information Act request...

...The previously unavailable deportation data are likely to fuel the political debate over whether Obama administration policies are partly responsible for the 52,000 children and teens who have surrendered to or been caught by Border Patrol agents since last October, spurring fresh concerns about U.S. border security and immigration law.

...Organized crime groups in Central America have exploited the slow U.S. legal process and the compassion shown to children in apparent crisis, according to David Leopold, an immigration attorney in Cleveland.

He said smugglers, who may charge a family up to $12,000 to deliver a child to the border, often tell them exactly what to say to American officials.

"The cartels have figured out where the hole is," he said.

Did you ever think you'd see the day when the Democrat Party, the White House, and the Mexican drug cartels would all be working hand-in-hand to dismantle the United States? Well, that day has arrived.

Hat tip: BadBlue News.

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