With that said, Abedin's testimony -- probably inadvertently -- revealed major issues with the State Department's responses to Freedom of Information Act requests.
Put simply, it looks like they simply ignored them.
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QOTD: "...the author of “Clinton Cash,” Peter Schweizer said there needs to be a federal investigation into the Russian uranium deal then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s State Department approved after the Clinton Foundation receiving $145 million from the shareholders of Uranium One...
...“Look there are couple of things that are extremely troubling about the deal we touched on. number one is the amount of money $145 million. We are not talking about a super PAC giving a million dollars to support a candidate. We are not talking about campaign donations. We are talking about $145 million which by the way is 75 percent or more of the annual budget of the Clinton Foundation itself so it’s a huge sum of money. Second of all we are talking about a fundamental issue of national security which is uranium — it’s not like oil and gas that you can find all sorts of places. They are precious few places you can mine for uranium, in the United States is one of those areas. And number three we are talking about the Russian government. A lot of people don’t realize it now, in parts of the Midwest American soil is owned by Vladimir Putin’s government because this deal went through. And in addition to the $145 million Bill Clinton got half a million dollars, $500,000 for a 20-minute speech from a Russian investment bank tied to the Kremlin, two months before the State Department signed off on this deal. It just stinks to high heaven and I think it requires a major investigation by the federal government.”" --Pam Key
On MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski, and Jon Meacham all expressed their outrage over Hillary Clinton’s handling of the Benghazi terrorist attacks. This discussion came on the heels of the House GOP releasing its report on Benghazi, which was praised by the panel as “fair-minded” and “independent.”
Brzezinski said of Clinton’s handling of the terrorist attacks, “I feel like we lost an ambassador, we lost precious lives. Maybe that should have been the first thing that she said. “
Epidemiologists at the Vermont Department of Health are concealing the number of refugees with contagious active tuberculosis nearly a month after Watchdog reported that more than one-third of Vermont’s resettled refugees test positive for TB.
Earlier this month, Watchdog revealed that 35 percent of Vermont’s incoming refugees in the past four years tested positive for tuberculosis. How many of those cases are contagious and symptomatic, however, remains a secret, as state epidemiologists and top officials at the Health Department have spent weeks blocking efforts to obtain the data.
We are thirty miles from Steel City. Pittsburgh played a central role in building our nation.
The legacy of Pennsylvania steelworkers lives in the bridges, railways and skyscrapers that make up our great American landscape.
But our workers' loyalty was repaid with betrayal.
Our politicians have aggressively pursued a policy of globalization - moving our jobs, our wealth and our factories to Mexico and overseas.
Globalization has made the financial elite who donate to politicians very wealthy. But it has left millions of our workers with nothing but poverty and heartache.
QOTD: "Globalization has made the financial elite who donate to politicians very wealthy. But it has left millions of our workers with nothing but poverty and heartache. When subsidized foreign steel is dumped into our markets, threatening our factories, the politicians do nothing. For years, they watched on the sidelines as our jobs vanished and our communities were plunged into depression-level unemployment...
...Many Pennsylvania towns once thriving and humming are now in a state despair. This wave of globalization has wiped out our middle class. It doesn't have to be this way. We can turn it all around - and we can turn it around fast. But if we're going to deliver real change, we're going to have to reject the campaign of fear and intimidation being pushed by powerful corporations, media elites, and political dynasties. The people who rigged the system for their benefit will do anything - and say anything - to keep things exactly as they are. The people who rigged the system are supporting Hillary Clinton because they know as long as she is in charge nothing will ever change..." --Donald J. Trump
And by Mogadishu, I mean Chicago. It used to be that Detroit was referred to as Mogadishu, due to all its shootings and murders and crime. I think it’s safe to move the title to Chicago
Hillary Clinton Calls Gun Control A ‘Civil-Rights Issue’ In Chicago Speech
Speaking in Chicago Monday, Hillary Clinton called gun control a “civil-rights issue” and slammed Donald Trump as “incoherent” and selfish.
Let's talk for a bit about the so-called "narrow" and "common sense" compromise being put forward by Democrats -- and a few Republicans, notably Susan Collins (R-ME), to block people from buying guns if they're "on a terror watch list."
Well, it's not.
QOTD: "It’s not politically correct to say it, but most homicides are gang bangers killing other gang bangers, gang bangers killing people standing near their gang banger targets or gang bangers killing people they’ve targeted for crime. Your chance of dying from a gunshot if you are not a gang banger or not committing suicide is 0.0005417721518987342 percent. The media won’t tell you that." --
“Most ambitious and progressive platform our party has ever seen.”
Those are words spoken by Hillary Clinton’s senior policy advisor about the draft of the Democratic Party platform and they should frighten every American that supports free enterprise and a restrained federal government. The platform draft approved by the Democratic drafting committee consisting of both Clinton and Sanders allies includes proposals that will make it more difficult for individuals to break free from government constraints and achieve the American Dream.
There are many dangerous proposals in the Democratic Party’s platform that should raise concern:
For years, Kilauea, Kauai resident Gy Hall has enjoyed the view of the ocean and the breeze along Koolau Road. Then, a few weeks ago, a crew started to build a wall which happens to belong to Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.
“The feeling of it is really oppressive. It’s immense,” Hall said. “It’s really sad that somebody would come in, and buy a huge piece of land and the first thing they do is cut off this view that’s been available and appreciative by the community here for years.”
QOTD: "If we are not to suffer the fate of past civilizations, we must expel the parasites who now control our economy and who will continue controlling it if Hillary Clinton is elected. The Washington elite are terrified by Donald Trump because he is serious about making America great again – and he knows that the only way to do so is the kick the parasites out. Trump's announced policies on taxes and regulation make perfect sense. They would free up American businesses to compete on a level playing field. They appeal to one of the most basic human instincts: the desire to produce more and retain the proceeds.
For eight years, the Obama administration has undermined our nation's competitive instincts. It's time to unleash them by putting producers first – and putting parasites in their place." --Jeffrey Folks
The Obama administration is encouraging companies to do business with Iran in order to make last year’s nuclear deal irreversible, The Wall Street Journal reported (Google link) Thursday.
Administration officials told the Journal that they were encouraging businesses to make agreements with Iran in order to make it harder for future administrations to unravel the deal, since that would then threaten American jobs. The push for opening up Iran to American business has been led by Secretary of State John Kerry, which has put him at odds with the Treasury Department, which enforces sanctions on Iran.
Henry Paulson, a Republican who was U.S. Treasury secretary during the 2008 financial meltdown, on Friday called a Donald Trump presidency "unthinkable" and said he will vote for Democrat Hillary Clinton.
Yeah, it's
Elites' reaction to Brexit mimics their reaction to Trump: blame the amorality of ordinary people rather than reckon with elite failure
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) June 24, 2016
Bonus QOTD: "...after the worst month of Trump's campaign, [Hillary Clinton]'s clinging to a lead in most swing state polls that's within the margin of error. It's time for someone in Brooklyn to pull the fire alarm. Her team has known for months what a deeply flawed candidate she is, and they smartly decided to make this election a referendum on Trump. Team Clinton has already spent millions on ads painting Trump as a crass buffoon. They've stayed on message for the last month while avoiding any unforced errors lately. Their media coverage has markedly improved since pivoting to the general, with the press fawning over her recent foreign policy speech as her best to date. She should be ahead by double digits today.
The pundits have been reporting that Trump's month in the wilderness cost him support in the latest round of polling because that's what Beltway conventional wisdom dictates. But any decent Clinton strategist knows the numbers are telling a different, and much scarier, story for her...
...And if you're wondering whether her campaign has considered just shelving her for the next few months and hoping no one notices, the answer probably lies in the fact that its been over 200 days since her last press conference. The last time she held a true press conference, we were just putting away our turkey basters, the State Department IG hadn't issued its report that said she'd failed to comply with department policies, and she hadn't received a single vote. Hiding their candidate is exactly what the Clinton campaign is doing." --Sarah Isgur Flores
The American people have overwhelmingly shown this year they do not find Hillary Clinton to be trustworthy. Two key reasons why Clinton is dogged by distrust are her private email scandal and the shadiness surrounding the Clinton Foundation and its donors. Two breaking stories by the Associated Press only deepen Clinton’s trust deficit.
First, the AP reported that, contrary to what Clinton has claimed, key emails held on her private server were never turned over to the State Department. They also reported that Clinton went as far as declining a State Department Blackberry. An email discovered from November 2010 also raises new questions about what other State Department emails Clinton is hiding from the American people:
QOTD: "...the sense of watching one’s civilization destroyed from within was probably fired chiefly by incidents featuring a rampant and radical Islam. Protests demanding sharia law provoked not a defense of British tradition by the government, but an attempt to silence native Britons who were offended by the idea of setting aside their laws and traditions. Incidents in which Muslim street gangs enforced sharia law in London cut against the sense of England being England, as the traditions of the neighborhood pub and good honest beer came under literal attack. Murders of British soldiers in the streets, with chants of “You and your children will be next,” told the British people that their government was not defending their home or their way of life.
And, of course, there was the ongoing saga of Rotherham, where police turned a blind eye to a Pakistani-led child-rape ring for more than a decade. “There was a Home Office investigation into charges that Tony Blair’s government had known of the ring as early as 2001, but did nothing because it conflicted with ‘his government’s efforts to pacify Muslim communities.’”
These same forces are at work all across Europe." --Counter Jihad
Janet Yellen should send a note of congratulations to Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson, the British politicians most responsible for pushing the Brexit campaign to a successful conclusion. While she’s at it she should also send them some fruit baskets, flowers, Christmas cards, and a heartfelt “thank you.“ That’s because the successful Brexit vote, and the uncertainty and volatility it has introduced into the global markets, will provide the Federal Reserve with all the cover it could possibly want to hold off on rate increases in the United States without having to make the painful admission that domestic economic weakness remains the primary reason that it will continue to leave rates near zero.
Following last night’s historic Brexit vote, House Speaker Paul Ryan’s primary challenger, Wisconsin businessman Paul Nehlen, seems to have taken a page from the playbook of the U.K. Independence Party (UKIP) with the launch of a new billboard campaign.
On Friday morning, Nehlen’s campaign went live with a new billboard in Ryan’s hometown of Janesville, Wisconsin that is reminiscent of the distinctive UKIP-style campaign.
QOTD: "It is a measure of the corruption of the Democratic party and its ability to inspire corruption in others that John Lewis, once a civil-rights leader, is today leading a movement to strip Americans of their civil rights based on secret lists of subversives compiled by police agencies and the military. Perhaps it has not occurred to Representative Lewis that his mentor, the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., also was on a secret government list, as indeed was Lewis himself under the watchful eye of J. Edgar Hoover...
...The Democrats demand that Americans be stripped of their Second Amendment rights with no attention paid to the Fifth Amendment, to due process. They propose that Americans be stripped of their legal protections under the Bill of Rights even when they have not been charged with, much less convicted of, a crime. They propose that this be done on the basis of a series of secret government lists, whose contents, criteria, and keepers are treated as state secrets...
...The Democratic party in 2016 is not a liberal party. It is a party that is working diligently to rescind free-speech rights on one front and to undermine due-process protections on another. It has abandoned the notion of procedural justice in pursuit of substantive outcomes demanded by its supporters, the rule of law be damned. There is a term for the armed pursuit of justice, real or perceived, outside the rule of law, and that term is “lynching.” The Democrats have lynching in their political DNA, and they seem to be unable to evolve past it. Ironically, their abandonment of due process and their flirtation with tyranny are reminders of one of the reasons why the Founders believed it necessary to have an armed citizenry." --Kevin D. Williamson
QOTD: "If I am elected President, I will end the special interest monopoly in Washington, D.C. The other candidate in this race has spent her entire life making money for special interests – and taking money from special interests. Hillary Clinton has perfected the politics of personal profit and theft. She ran the State Department like her own personal hedge fund – doing favors for oppressive regimes, and many others, in exchange for cash. Then, when she left, she made $21.6 million giving speeches to Wall Street banks and other special interests – in less than 2 years – secret speeches that she does not want to reveal to the public. Together, she and Bill made $153 million giving speeches to lobbyists, CEOs, and foreign governments in the years since 2001. They totally own her, and that will never change.
The choice in this election is a choice between taking our government back from the special interests, or surrendering our last scrap of independence to their total and complete control. Those are the stakes" --Donald Trump