Thursday, December 10, 2009

Seriously: The President and Valerie Jarrett want your ideas for boosting the economy

The President's handpicked slumlord -- Valerie Jarrett -- is soliciting ideas about improving the economy. Gee, I've got a few thoughts.

The White House website asks the following questions, for which you can submit answers electronically. And they're encouraging folks to organize (what else?) 'community events' in order to solicit even more ideas! In the spirit of helping out, my suggested responses are in bold.

From what you have heard about the President’s Jobs Forum, what seems relevant to your community?:

Slashing the size of government, slashing taxes, stopping all deficit spending and getting the hell off our backs.

What parts of your local economy are working or thriving? What businesses and sectors are expanding and hiring?:

The EPA appears to be hiring (though not really working). Other than the federal government, no one is expanding.

What parts of your local economy are not working or thriving? What businesses and sectors have been hit the hardest? What are people struggling with the most?:

All businesses have stopped hiring because they are awaiting the outcome of the new 8% mandatory health tax, draconian new 'carbon regulations' and energy taxes. People are struggling with an out-of-control federal government that has violated the Constitution repeatedly to push its radical, sixties-retread, no-growth, flat Earth, Marxist agenda.

What are the opportunities for growth in your community? What businesses and sectors seem poised to rebound? What do you see as the “jobs of the future”?:

Until the city goes broke next year, they're hiring at the dump. One key job of the future would be as a 'command-and-control' central planner for the EPA. Really.

What are the obstacles to job creation in your community? What could make local businesses more likely to start hiring?:

Obstacles include income taxes, payroll taxes, FICA taxes, unemployment taxes, gas taxes, property taxes, capital gains taxes, excise taxes, state taxes, county taxes, city taxes, sales taxes, and regulations from every bureau, department, commission and agency imaginable. What would make businesses start hiring? Slashing taxes and slashing the size of bureaucracies that only serve as a drag on the real economy and just create volumes of useless regulations. Really.

What other issues and ideas should the President consider?:

Following through on his oath to uphold the Constitution would be a good start. Really.

Describe your event:

Tea Party. Yes, really.

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