
Health Care Is Not a Privilege... Nor Is It a Right: PJM (Schwartz)
Cutting through Linda Douglass' doublespeak: Other McCain
Health Co-ops: Trojan Horse for the Public Option: JBS
Happy Labor Day: Anchoress
Bunked Almost As Tight as Sailors in a Sub: Patterico
What Professors Don’t Want You to Know: PJM (Grabar)
Obama's School Speech is an Outrage: Adrienne
10,000 at New Lenox/Joliet Rally: TPX
Tea Party Express Roars to DC: Times
Affirmative Vetting for Liberals: Riehl
Worst of both worlds: BlogProf
Why are we paying legal bills for Fannie execs?: MorrisseyIs Obama repeating Depression mistakes?: Telegraph
Brilliant! SEIU bigwig in charge of manufacturing: GWP
So much socialism, so little time: Black Commenter
Stimulus Cheerleader Biden Has No Credibility: GRW
Housing Market Still Reeling From Gov't Intervention: LawHawk
Boycott Lessons Not Learned: LegalInsAP publishes photo of dying Marine, Jihadis promptly use for propaganda: Warner
Olbermann's Advertisers May Be Next: Lamb
Firedoglake: Liberals Dis-Unite: Riehl
Michael Moore: Capitalist Pig Who Hates Capitalism: GWP
Tragedy: Blogger's Head Explodes: American Digest
The Hammer; Van Jones' Lunacy Is a Reflection on the Boss: GWP
Michael Moore's Private Beach: BlogProf
Climate & Energy
The 'administration had been looking at Van Jones for a long time, and liked what they saw': HansonHow does a San Francisco court have jurisdiction over Minnesota?: Examiner
The PetroChina Syndrome: Doing it Right in Alberta: Lamb
Exposing the man-made drought in California: RHP
Cuba's Free Health Care: Wizbang (Priestap)How's that outreach to dictators working out?: WaPo
NATO airstrike in Kunduz kills 90 fighters and civilians: LWJ
The Cuba Health Care Revolution: Real Cuba
The UN's Worldwide Web of Bias: Daily News
Saudi cleric says don't pray for destruction of infidels: Reuters India
How team of geeks cracked spy trade: WSJCornucopia
Let there be light: CornerLexus CT200h Concept First Audi A3, BMW 1 Series Fighter... Images Surface: Autospies
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