
Our White House Bully Problem: Malkin
Pass the popcorn: MA Democrats revolt against Obama: JWF
“A serious plan to replace Obamacare”: ProWis
When Black Liberals Attack (Each Other): Taki's
Obama Insults Jews on Rosh Hashanah: Dossier
Patrick Fitzgerald: Crime Fighter or Politically-Driven Leaker?: ILP2P
Judge upholds key elements of AL immigration law: Malkin
Mrs. Bachmann and the Baptists: Sun
Why Obama Can't Help Unemployed Blacks: PundetteProfessor Warren's Ire: Jacoby
Finally some GOOD NEWS for Obama :ProWis
Obama Enlists IRS for New Union Shakedown of Business: Ransom
All in: DOJ appeals ObamaCare ruling to Supreme Court: Hot Air
4 Reasons to Stick With Gold: Breakout
Gunrunner & Solyndra
MSM Sheep: Ignoring the Scandal of the Century: OwensSolyndra's multimillion-dollar white elephant: SFgate
Solyndra Said to Have Violated Terms of Its U.S. Loan: WSJ
Climate & Energy
A Glut Of EVs Could Make America's Shoddy Power Grid Even Worse: AutoblogObama Subsidizing Hugely Profitable Wind Farm Company: JWF
CIA’s Global Warming Center A National Security Secret: JW
A Tea Party Invitation to Morgan Freeman: Tea Party Brew“Obamacare Has Arrived in the Supreme Court”: ProWis
Obama non Grata: 'As of Right Now, the Commander-in-Chief is Not Welcome at This Airport': JWF
Friedman, Orszag, Perdue, and the Totalitarian Temptation: Driscoll
No, Sarah Palin Did Not Call Herman Cain ‘Herb’ and Did Not Put Him Down: RSM
Does Rick Perry Have a Performance Problem?: Coulter
NYTimes Sunday Review Again Pushes Lie that Billionaires Run Tea Party: RWN
What Guns Were Made For: Homeowner in Philly Attacked By Mob: RWN
Herman Cain: Black Community “Brainwashed” Into Voting For Dems: WZ
Totalitarian Temptations from Carter to Obama: Ledeen
German Media Now Views Obama as SCOAMF: JWF
6th Drunk Driving Charge For Protected Illegal Alien : JW
Mexican Cartel Snuffs Social Media Star as Violence Nears ‘Civil War’ Levels: WiredMisunderstanderer of Islam Arrested in Plot to Blow Up Capitol and Pentagon: Jawa
The Thought Police Win in Oz: Soylent Green
Obama’s ‘Reset’ Legacy: A Return of the USSR: PJM
NC: Muslim in USMC jihad plot guilty on immigration charges: Creeping
Obama: America's 'first Jewish president'?: Al Jazeera
First Thoughts on the Kindle Fire: PJLifeAmazon Fire: iPad Finally Gets Android Competition: AdWeek
Should Toyota's rumored Supra revival look like this?: AutoBlog
Gen-Lost: PundetteSecret Memo Reveals Which Cellphone Carriers Store Your Data The Longest: Consumerist
American architecture: The oldest surviving house on Nantucket: Maggie's Farm
Image: Solyndra's multimillion-dollar white elephant
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Herman Cain for President
QOTD: "There’s already plenty of groupthink among American blacks. Over 90% of us vote Democrat with religious regularity, and we have been doing so for over fifty years. For a short time, I was one of them. I realized a few years ago that the Democrats’ promises of equality bestowed by government wasn’t working and will never work. I came to believe that redistributionist policies with the goal of social justice was essentially creating a new plantation within the federal government. Scraps might be thrown our way, but dependence on the plantation would be the inevitable result." --Ali Akbar
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