How a man with minimal accomplishments got to write two biographies is anyone's guess. My question for this (very rare) open thread is:
What should the title of Barack Obama's next epic biography be?
Some suggestions to seed some ideas:
• Organizing For Tyranny
• Leading From Behind: the Barack Obama Story
• Putting on Ayers
Best title wins a box of Papa B's finest reloaded ammo, provided his bunker doesn't kerplode before then.
Barack Obama: Proof That it Really is Possible to Shine Shit.
Bumbles Bounce: Barack Obama, the White House Years
"You THINK That's Your House" by Baracky Husseinny Obammy mmm mmm mmm!
"Looky What I Did!"
"Is That a Corporate Jet in your Pocket or Are You Valerie Jarrett in Disguise?"
"Would Mom & Dad Have Run Out on Me If They Knew I was Going to Wreck the USA for Them?"
The Life and Times of A Bitter Clinger
Carpet Bombing Amerika For Dummies
The Anointed Won: How To Con Millions
Ayers To The Throne
Dreams from just a guy in my neighborhood.
SCOMF--A Love Story
"God Damn America"
Bill Ayers is already working on the first draft.
Screams From My Fatherland.
Wet Dreams of teh Baby Daddy.
The Adventures of Chief Commander Zero
Capitalism: A Hate Story
"Reggie and Me: A Story of Forbidden Love"
Obama, you may or may not need more Irish in you.. Perhaps try some SINGLE MALT IRISH WKISKEY...& like Beethoven you can sing, ' I'm an IRISH man '!
Obama: Tales from a Stuttering Clusterf*** of a Miserable Failure
From Inexperience through Incompetence to Failure
Too Racist for Two Terms - The Shame of a Nation
AttackWatch: My Story
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