
Bankruptcy didn’t keep Solyndra from paying lobbyists: Hot Air
Obama's Solyndra scandal reeks of the Chicago Way: Kass
Obama admin reworked Solyndra loan to favor donor: AJC
Lawmakers question WHouse role in wireless project :AFP
Emails show wireless firm's communications with White House: CPI
What's New on Planet Obama: PundetteObama Shreds the Constitution: Knight
Big Brutha IS Watching: Sword
Lib Assaults GOP Lawmaker in Wisconsin, Media Silent :RWN
US Constitution: Happy Birthday…Or R.I.P.: NMJ
Gary Ackerman Can't Take a Joke: HayRide
Obama to Tout Jobs Project that isn’t Shovel-Ready: Dossier5 Reasons Government Should Be Run Like a Business: USNWR
Petty Jealousy of the Rich: AT
Regulations Are Burying the Open Road Trucking Industry: RWN
Judge Holds Washington Longshoremen in Contempt: LUR
Harvard’s Miron: Blame Anti-Business Democrats for Lack of Jobs: DailyTicker
Climate & Energy
China price squeeze on rare earth metals spikes CFL bulb prices: GWPThe Spreading Green Jobs Scam: IBD
Global Warming Will…Wait... Improve Our Lives?: RWN
Wow: New Ford ad blasts bailouts — and perhaps more: Hot AirSolyndra – Crony Capitalism? WORSE – It’s More Like Soviet Fascism: Sword
State-run NPR compares Obama to Jesus: BlogProf
Obama plagued by Democrats' ingratitude: York
Conservative blogger ejcted from Ohio Black Caucus meeting: Madison Project
Obama's Favorability Rating Upside-Down for First Time: NatlJrnl
The Wages of Terror: KnishOur Newly Jewish President, Boaz Hyman Goldstein Obama: BigPeace
In Praise of NYC's Muscular Counterterrorism: Pipes
War Drums Beating: Anti-American George Soros Promoting Anti-Americanism in Central Asia: RWN
Understanding Turkey’s Policy of Confrontation with Israel: PJM
Perry: Palestinians Must Recognize Israel as a Jewish State: AmSpec
Made in America: See the 10 Coolest Weapons Found Only in Uncle Sam’s Arsenal: InsiderTrack your family with a new app: CNet
World's largest sperm bank turns down redheads : Telegraph
Putting the “Quo” Back in Quid pro Quo : MOTUSRogue trader costs US $14 trillion: LaughingCon
At least 3 dead, dozens critical after plane crashes at air race in Reno: Post
Image: Simon Cowell's New Face (hat tip: Drudge)
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Senate Conservatives Fund
QOTD: "...the U.S. Department of Energy employee who helped monitor the Solyndra loan guarantee was one of Obama's top fundraisers.
Fundraising? Contracts? Imagine that.
Steve Spinner was the Obama administration official in charge of handing out billions and billions of tax dollars to "green" energy deals. According to the Tribune story, Spinner the other day invited Obama's national political finance committee to a meeting in Chicago." --John Kass
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