
Supreme Court Takes Up Arizona Immigration Law: Cato
S.F. puts the “X” back in Xmas, Naked Santas Edition: Zombie
Romney’s Record on Judicial and Legal Appointments: Awful: Contrada
Is Debbie Wasserman Schultz Running Scared?: Shark
Gingrich Blasts It Out of Park!: Simon
Gridlock to the Rescue: Sowell
President Obama opines on his achievements: WZ
IN Democrat Chairman resigns over widespread vote fraud: FireAndrea
Obama Redraws the Laffer Curve: RicochetObama’s Math Works Only in BizzaroEcon World: Hayek
Voters Favor Obamacare Repeal By Massive 20% Margin: WZ
Labor board's Boeing 'retreat' is big win for union bosses: Exam
The U.S. Federal Budget Infographic: CBO
Debunking Depression Myths: CFP
Harry Reid: Millionaire Job Creators are Like Unicorns: Malkin
Wasserman Schultz: unemployment has not gone up under Obama: Toldjah
'Obama sees Democracy as stumbling-block to his greatness': Breitbart
Climate & Energy
Enviromental Scientist Caught On Video Faking Data: WizbangCanada exits Kyoto, stage right: Bayonet
Why the Chevy Volt Is Such a Scandal: DailyFinance
"But so far as liberalism goes, this is a pretty devastating graph": AcePoor Journalism 101: BS-Bias-Detector Goes Off: BaconTime
Barack Obama, Tax-Cutter: PJM
Glenn Beck jumps the shark, along with Michael Weiner: Nice Deb
Republicans See Gingrich As Man With The Plan: IBD
My Video At Heart of Controversy in Florida House Race: Publius
ABC World News Continues To Ignore Fast And Furious: BigJourn
It’s A Brave New World Out There: Gun Values Board
Stealth Jihad in the Senate: Gaffney
Republican Triumphs and Democrat Lies: Diogenes
Obama’s strange, revisionist history on ‘60 Minutes’: Peth
Evolution of a JournOlist: Politico’s Ben Smith Jumps to BuzzFeed: BigJourn
Iran is conducting anti-U.S. operations in Latin America: FoundryIsraeli officials: Obama too soft on Iran: ynet
The Mexican Cartel's Hi-Tech Drug Tunnels: Slashdot
Whose photo op do you think this is?: IBD
MPAA Head Chris Dodd on Online Censorship Bill: China's the Model: WS
Eurocrash Update #2: Power Line
Was Russia Behind Stuxnet?: The DiplomatWhy even 4 hours of sleep is enough: Hindustan Times
Google and Facebook battle US anti-piracy laws: Telegraph
Tim Tebow Makes Believers: EIBFunny Ad Sells Guns As If They're Neglected Puppies Who Just Need The Right Owner To Love Them: Ace
Awesomest Parallel-Parking Job Ever: Marfdrat
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Eric Holder is Coming to Texas Today! Join the Counter-Rally
QOTD: "Given that Merkozy cannot bring themselves to accept that Europe's debacle stems from the euro itself, from a 30pc currency misalignment between from North and South, and from an over-leveraged €23 trillion banking bubble that German, French, Dutch, Belgian regulators allowed to happen… given that, yes, I suppose they have to find a scapegoat.
They have to whip up a witchhunt against somebody, so why not Anglo-Saxon bankers? Nasty reflexes are at work. German and French politicians in particular should be very careful about inciting populist hatred against a group that makes such easy prey. We have been there before." --Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Someone in gingrich's past must have seen something in him that reminded them of his sliminess like a lizard to give a 'nickname' of 'newt'.
Looks like again I will be sitting out since all the morons are cheering for this slimy lizard like RINO...the republicant version of 'hopey -- changey'.....yup...right!
@QueMan - so you're really going to be assisting the Obama campaign in their effort to destroy America?
If you really feel that way, don't let the blog's door hit your ass on the way out.
My favorites are Bachmann, Santorum, Perry and Gingrich in that order.
But I don't care if an empty sardine can is nominated... I'll be voting for it against Obama.
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